API documentation

Distance Measurement interface

group nrf_dm

Interface for the Nordic distance measurement library.



Default configuration define, note that both role and access_address needs to be configured even when using the default config.


enum nrf_dm_quality_t

Quality of the procedure.


enumerator NRF_DM_QUALITY_OK
enum nrf_dm_role_t

Role definition.


enumerator NRF_DM_ROLE_NONE

Act as a initiator


Act as a reflector

enum nrf_dm_status_t

Status of the procedure.


enum nrf_dm_ranging_mode_t

Ranging modes.


enum nrf_dm_antenna_composition_t

Configuration options for antenna configurations.


: Only NRF_DM_ANTENNA_COMP_1_1 is supported.


enumerator NRF_DM_ANTENNA_COMP_1_1

Initiator uses 1 antenna, reflector uses 1 antenna.

enumerator NRF_DM_ANTENNA_COMP_2_1

Initiator uses 2 antenna, reflector uses 1 antenna.

enumerator NRF_DM_ANTENNA_COMP_3_1

Initiator uses 3 antenna, reflector uses 1 antenna.

enumerator NRF_DM_ANTENNA_COMP_4_1

Initiator uses 4 antenna, reflector uses 1 antenna.

enumerator NRF_DM_ANTENNA_COMP_1_2

Initiator uses 1 antenna, reflector uses 2 antenna.

enumerator NRF_DM_ANTENNA_COMP_1_3

Initiator uses 1 antenna, reflector uses 3 antenna.

enumerator NRF_DM_ANTENNA_COMP_1_4

Initiator uses 1 antenna, reflector uses 4 antenna.

enumerator NRF_DM_ANTENNA_COMP_2_2

Initiator uses 2 antenna, reflector uses 2 antenna.


void nrf_dm_init(const nrf_dm_ppi_config_t *ppi_cfg, const nrf_dm_antenna_config_t *antenna_cfg, NRF_TIMER_Type *timer)

Initialize the distance measurement procedure.

  • ppi_cfg[in] PPI channels to be used by the library. The required amount of PPI channels is defined by the maximum hamming distance between two successive patterns in nrf_dm_antenna_config_t::switch_pattern divided by two. On the nrf53 series, only 2 DPPI channels are used. A minimum of 2 PPI channels need to be supplied, even if a single antenna is used.

  • antenna_cfg[in] The configuration to use for antenna switching

  • timer[in] What timer do you want me to use?

nrf_dm_status_t nrf_dm_configure(const nrf_dm_config_t *config)

Configures the distance measurement procedure.

  • config[in] Pointer to configuration instance

nrf_dm_status_t nrf_dm_proc_execute(uint32_t timeout_us)

Start the distance measurement.


Reflector will wait for sync, while initiator will start immediately. After completion it’s possible to request distance with nrf_dm_calc

nrf_dm_quality_t nrf_dm_calc(void)

Estimate the distance Fills nrf_dm_report_t with distance estimates either mcpd or rtt depending on which ranging mode was last executed.


A quality measure of the estimated distance.

float nrf_dm_high_precision_calc(void)

Estimate the distance with more computation-intensive higher precision algorithm.


Only works with MCPD ranging mode.


The estimated distance in meters.

const nrf_dm_report_t *nrf_dm_report_get(void)

Get a pointer to output data from distance estimation.

const char *nrf_dm_version_string_get(void)

Get a null-terminated string containing the library revision.

struct nrf_dm_iq_tones_t
#include <nrf_dm.h>

Container of IQ values for local and remote measured tones.

Public Members

float i_local[80]

In-phase measurements of tones on this device

float q_local[80]

Quadrature-phase measurement of tones on this device

float i_remote[80]

In-phase measurements of tones from remote device

float q_remote[80]

Quadrature-phase measurements of tones from remote device

union nrf_dm_dist_estimates_t
#include <nrf_dm.h>

Container of distance estimate results for a number of different methods, in meters.

Public Members

struct nrf_dm_dist_estimates_t._mcpd mcpd
struct nrf_dm_dist_estimates_t._rtt rtt
struct _mcpd
#include <nrf_dm.h>

Public Members

float ifft

MCPD: Distance estimate based on IFFT of spectrum

float phase_slope

MCPD: Distance estimate based on average phase slope estimation

float rssi_openspace

RSSI: Distance estimate based on Friis path loss formula

float best

Best effort distance estimate

struct _rtt
#include <nrf_dm.h>

Public Members

float rtt

RTT: Distance estimate based on RTT measurement

struct nrf_dm_report_t
#include <nrf_dm.h>

Output data for distance estimation.

Public Members

nrf_dm_iq_tones_t iq_tones[4]

IQ values for local and remote measured tones. NOTE: make sure to only read data from the antennas that were configured in nrf_dm_configure(). If the device uses N antennas, then the local values for N entries of iq_tones are valid. If the peer uses M antennas, then the remote values for M entries of iq_tones are valid.

nrf_dm_ranging_mode_t ranging_mode

Mode used for ranging

nrf_dm_dist_estimates_t distance_estimates

Distance estimate results

nrf_dm_status_t status

Status of procedure

Computed link loss (TX power - RSSI)

uint8_t rssi_local

RSSI measured on this device on packets from remote

uint8_t rssi_remote

RSSI measured on remote devices on packets from this device

int8_t txpwr_local

TX power on this device

int8_t txpwr_remote

TX power on remote device

nrf_dm_quality_t quality

Quality indicator

struct nrf_dm_dist_offset_err_t
#include <nrf_dm.h>

Public Members

float ifft

Zero distance error offset - applied for distance evaluated with iFFT method

float phase_slope

Zero distance error offset - applied for distance evaluated with average slope method

float rssi_openspace

Zero distance error offset - applied for distance evaluated with RSSI method for openspace conditions

struct nrf_dm_antenna_gpio_t
#include <nrf_dm.h>

Public Members

uint8_t gpio

GPIO pin attached to antenna switch.

uint8_t gpio_te

GPIO_TE channel used for the antenna switching.

struct nrf_dm_antenna_config_t
#include <nrf_dm.h>

Public Members

uint8_t antenna_gpios_count

Number of used GPIO pins defined in antenna_gpios

nrf_dm_antenna_gpio_t *antenna_gpios

GPIO pins for the antenna switching

uint8_t switch_pattern_count

Number of antenna patterns defined in switch_pattern

uint32_t *switch_pattern

Switch pattern to be used for antenna switching. Expected to be an array of length switch_pattern_count. Each entry in the array defines an antenna configuration. If bit N is set in a configuration, GPIO pin N in antenna_gpios is set. NOTE: to limit the amount of PPI channels used, minimise the hamming distance between two successive patterns

struct nrf_dm_ppi_config_t
#include <nrf_dm.h>

Public Members

uint8_t ppi_chan_count

Number of PPI channels passed to the library

uint8_t *ppi_chan

PPI channels passed to the library.

struct nrf_dm_config_t
#include <nrf_dm.h>

Public Members

nrf_dm_role_t role

Role of the device

nrf_dm_ranging_mode_t ranging_mode

Ranging mode to use in the procedure

uint32_t access_address

Access address used for packet exchanges

uint32_t tx_power_dbm

Radio transmit power, given in dBm. Valid values defined in nrfXXXXX_bitfields.h, as RADIO_TXPOWER_TXPOWER_YYYYdBm

nrf_dm_dist_offset_err_t dist_offset_err

Zero distance error offsets for different distance measurement methods

nrf_dm_antenna_composition_t ant_comp

Antenna composition of initiator and reflector.