Device software version
Type: int
A number identifying the software version. It is used in various CHIP
areas, such as the Basic Information cluster or OTA (Over-the-air update)
image header. Note that due to the rollback protection a device will only
accept a software update whose version is greater than the current one.
Direct dependencies
(Includes any dependencies from ifs and menus.)
Kconfig definition
At /home/runner/work/sdk-nrf/sdk-nrf/ncs/modules/lib/matter/config/nrfconnect/chip-module/../../zephyr/Kconfig:55
Included via <Zephyr>/Kconfig:8
→ <Zephyr>/Kconfig.zephyr:33
→ <Zephyr>/modules/Kconfig:6
→ <nRF>/doc/_build/kconfig/Kconfig.modules:98
→ /home/runner/work/sdk-nrf/sdk-nrf/ncs/modules/lib/matter/config/nrfconnect/chip-module/Kconfig:17
Menu path: (Top) → Modules → connectedhomeip (/home/runner/work/sdk-nrf/sdk-nrf/ncs/modules/lib/matter) → Connected Home over IP protocol stack
int "Device software version"
range 0 4294967295
default 0
depends on CHIP
A number identifying the software version. It is used in various CHIP
areas, such as the Basic Information cluster or OTA (Over-the-air update)
image header. Note that due to the rollback protection a device will only
accept a software update whose version is greater than the current one.
(The ‘depends on’ condition includes propagated dependencies from ifs and menus.)