CAF: Sensor sampler module

The sensor sampler module of the Common Application Framework (CAF) generates the following types of events in relation with the sensor defined in the module configuration:

  • sensor_event when the sensor is sampled.

  • sensor_state_event when the sensor state changes.


To use the module, you must complete the following requirements:

  1. Physically connect the sensor, add and enable it, for example, in the BOARD.dts devicetree file. For more information about adding sensor device to devicetree, refer to Use devicetree overlays.

  2. Enable the following Kconfig options:

Additionally, you need to configure the sensor that you want to use in your application and enable it in the sensor Kconfig option.

The following Kconfig options are also available for the module:

Adding module configuration file

In addition to setting the Kconfig options, you must also add a module configuration file that contains an array of sensor_config.

To do so, complete the following steps:

  1. Add a file that defines the following information for every sensor that should be handled by the sensor sampler module in an array of sensor_config:

    • sensor_config.dev_name - Sensor device name. The name must match the sensor label in the BOARD.dts file.

    • sensor_config.event_descr - Sensor event description. The event description is used to identify sensor in an application.

    • sensor_config.chans - Channel configuration. This is an array of sampled_channel struct that configures the sensor channel with the following information:

      • sampled_channel.chan - Sensor channel. Depends on the particular sensor.

      • sampled_channel.data_cnt - Number of values in sampled_channel.chan.

    • sensor_config.chan_cnt - Size of the sensor_config.chans array.

    • sensor_config.sampling_period_ms - Sensor sampling period, in milliseconds.

    • sensor_config.active_events_limit - Maximum number of unprocessed sensor_event.

    For example, the file content could look like follows:

    #include <caf/sensor_sampler.h>
    static const struct sampled_channel accel_chan[] = {
                    .chan = SENSOR_CHAN_ACCEL_XYZ,
                    .data_cnt = 3,
    static const struct sensor_config sensor_configs[] = {
                    .dev_name = "LIS2DH12-ACCEL",
                    .event_descr = "accel_xyz",
                    .chans = accel_chan,
                    .chan_cnt = ARRAY_SIZE(accel_chan),
                    .sampling_period_ms = 20,
                    .active_events_limit = 3,
  2. Specify the location of the file with the CONFIG_CAF_SENSOR_SAMPLER_DEF_PATH Kconfig option.


Only the configured module should include the configuration file. Do not include the configuration file in other source files.

Enabling sensor trigger

The sensor sampler module supports the sensor trigger functionality. This functionality allows the sensor sampler module to stop sampling a specific sensor when specified conditions are met. For more details about the sensor trigger, see Zephyr’s Sensors driver.


Not all sensors support the trigger functionality. For more details, see the sensor-specific Kconfig file.

To use the sensor trigger, complete the following steps:

  1. Enable the sensor trigger option in the the sensor-specific Kconfig file. The Kconfig option name is different for each sensor. For example, for the LIS2DH accelerometer, set the CONFIG_LIS2DH_TRIGGER_GLOBAL_THREAD option to y.

  2. Extend the module configuration file by adding sensor_config.trigger in an array of sensor_config. sensor_config.trigger configures the sensor trigger with the following information:

    • .cfg information that depends on the particular sensor API:

      • trigger.cfg.type - Trigger type. The type depends on the particular sensor.

      • trigger.cfg.chan - Channel on which the trigger is set. The channel depends on the particular sensor.

    • .activation information that depends on the sensor sampler module:

      • trigger.activation.type - Sensor value comparison method. See Sensor trigger activation for more details.

      • trigger.activation.thresh - Sensor trigger activation threshold.

      • trigger.activation.timeout_ms - Time after which the sensor is put to sleep.

    For example, the extended configuration file for the LIS2DH accelerometer could look like follows:

    #include <caf/sensor_sampler.h>
    static const struct sampled_channel accel_chan[] = {
                    .chan = SENSOR_CHAN_ACCEL_XYZ,
                    .data_cnt = 3,
    static struct trigger trig = {
            .cfg = {
                    .type = SENSOR_TRIG_DELTA,
                    .chan = SENSOR_CHAN_ACCEL_XYZ,
            .activation = {
                    .type = ACT_TYPE_ABS,
                    .thresh = 0.5,
                    .timeout_ms = 4000,
    static const struct sensor_config sensor_configs[] = {
                    .dev_name = "LIS2DH12-ACCEL",
                    .event_descr = "accel_xyz",
                    .chans = accel_chan,
                    .chan_cnt = ARRAY_SIZE(accel_chan),
                    .sampling_period_ms = 20,
                    .active_events_limit = 3,
                    .trigger = &trig,


Only the configured module should include the configuration file. Do not include the configuration file in other source files.

Implementation details

The sensor sampler module starts in reaction to module_state_event. When started, it can do the following operations:

  • Periodically sample the configured sensors.

  • Submit sensor_event when the sensor channels are sampled.

  • Submit sensor_state_event if the sensor state changes.

The sensor sampler module samples sensors periodically, according to the configuration specified for each sensor. Sampling of the sensors is done from a dedicated preemptive thread. You can change the thread priority by setting the CONFIG_CAF_SENSOR_SAMPLER_THREAD_PRIORITY Kconfig option. Use the preemptive thread priority to make sure that the thread does not block other operations in the system.

For each sensor, the sensor sampler module limits the number of sensor_event events that it submits, but whose processing has not been completed. This is done to prevent out-of-memory error if the system workqueue is blocked. The limit value for the maximum number of unprocessed events for each sensor is placed in the sensor_config.active_events_limit structure field in the configuration file. The active_sensor_events_cnt counter is incremented when sensor_event is sent and decremented when the event is processed by the sensor sampler that is the final subscriber of the event. A situation can occur that the active_sensor_events_cnt counter will already be decremented but the memory allocated by the event would not yet be freed. Because of this behavior, the maximum number of allocated sensor events for the given sensor is equal to active_events_limit plus one.

The dedicated thread uses its own thread stack. You can change the size of the stack by setting the CONFIG_CAF_SENSOR_SAMPLER_THREAD_STACK_SIZE Kconfig option. The thread stack size must be big enough for the sensors used.

Sensor state events

Each sensor can be in one of the following states:

The following figure shows the possible state transitions.

State transitions of the sensors used by the sensor sampler module

State transitions of the sensors used by the sensor sampler module

The sensor sampler module submits sensor_state_event whenever the sensor state changes. Each sensor starts in the SENSOR_STATE_DISABLED state, which is not reported by the module. Also, each sensor acts independently to others. If one of the sensors reports an error, it does not stop the sensor sampler from sampling other sensors.

After the initialization, each sensor changes its state to SENSOR_STATE_ACTIVE and start periodic sampling. In case of an error sensor submits sensor_state_event with the SENSOR_STATE_ERROR state.

If the trigger functionality is enabled, the sensor can be put into the SENSOR_STATE_SLEEP state. In this state, the sensor is not actively sampling and is not reporting any sensor_event. If the sensor trigger fires the sensor change state to SENSOR_STATE_ACTIVE and restarts periodic sampling.

Sensor trigger activation

The sensor trigger is activated and the sensor is put to sleep only if the values measured by the sensor do not deviate from the last sensor value by more than trigger.activation.threshold for the period of time specified in trigger.activation.timeout_ms. If the value measured by the sensor does not fit within the threshold, the last sensor value is updated and the sensor continues the sampling process.

The sensor trigger activation type can be of the following type:

  • ACT_TYPE_ABS - Absolute deviation.

  • ACT_TYPE_PERC - Percentage deviation.