X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2: MEMS inertial and environmental multi-sensor shield


This sample enables all sensors of a X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2 shield, and then periodically reads and displays data from the shield sensors:

  • HTS221: Ambient temperature and relative humidity

  • LPS22HB: Atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature

  • LSM6DSL: 3-Axis Acceleration and 3-Axis Angular Velocity

  • LSM303AGR 3-Axis Acceleration and 3-axis Magnetic field intensity


This sample communicates over I2C with the X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2 shield stacked on a board with an Arduino connector. The board’s I2C must be configured for the I2C Arduino connector (both for pin muxing and devicetree). See for example the ST Nucleo F401RE board source code:

Please note that this sample can’t be used with boards already supporting one of the sensors available on the shield (such as disco_l475_iot1) as zephyr does not yet support sensors multiple instances.

Building and Running

This sample runs with X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2 stacked on any board with a matching Arduino connector. For this example, we use a ST Nucleo F401RE board.

west build -b nucleo_f401re samples/shields/x_nucleo_iks01a2

Sample Output

X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2 sensor dashboard

HTS221: Temperature: 26.3 C
HTS221: Relative Humidity: 44.5%
LPS22HB: Pressure:99.220 kpa
LPS22HB: Temperature: 26.1 C
LSM6DSL: Accel (m.s-2): x: -0.0, y: -0.1, z: 10.0
LSM6DSL: Gyro (dps): x: 0.028, y: -0.025, z: 0.014
LSM303AGR: Accel (m.s-2): x: 0.3, y: -0.1, z: 9.7
LSM303AGR: Magn (gauss): x: -0.221, y: -0.042, z: -0.458

<updated endlessly every 2 seconds>