Devicetree bindings

A devicetree on its own is only half the story for describing hardware. The devicetree format itself is relatively unstructured, and doesn’t tell the build system which pieces of information in a particular devicetree are useful to device drivers or applications.

Devicetree bindings provide the other half of this information. Zephyr devicetree bindings are YAML files in a custom format (Zephyr does not use the dt-schema tools used by the Linux kernel). With one exception in Inferred bindings the build system uses bindings when generating code for Devicetree access from C/C++.

Mapping nodes to bindings

During the Configuration Phase, the build system tries to map each node in the devicetree to a binding file. The build system only generates macros for devicetree nodes which have matching bindings. Nodes are mapped to bindings by their compatible properties. Take the following node as an example:

bar-device {
     compatible = "foo-company,bar-device";
     /* ... */

The build system will try to map the bar-device node to a YAML binding with this compatible: line:

compatible: "foo-company,bar-device"

Built-in bindings are stored in dts/bindings/. Binding file names usually match their compatible: lines, so the above binding would be named foo-company,bar-device.yaml.

If a node has more than one string in its compatible property, the build system looks for compatible bindings in the listed order and uses the first match. Take this node as an example:

baz-device {
     compatible = "foo-company,baz-device", "generic-baz-device";

The baz-device node would get mapped to the binding for compatible "generic-baz-device" if the build system can’t find a binding for "foo-company,baz-device".

Nodes without compatible properties can be mapped to bindings associated with their parent nodes. For an example, see the pwmleds node in the bindings file format described below.

If a node describes hardware on a bus, like I2C or SPI, then the bus type is also taken into account when mapping nodes to bindings. See the comments near on-bus: in the bindings syntax for details.

Bindings file syntax

Below is a template that shows the Zephyr bindings file syntax. It is stored in dts/binding-template.yaml.

description: |
    Free-form description of the device/node. Can have multiple

    See for formatting help.

# Used to map nodes to bindings
compatible: "manufacturer,device"

# The 'compatible' above would match this node:
#     device {
#         compatible = "manufacturer,device";
#         ...
#     };
# Assuming no binding has 'compatible: "manufacturer,device-v2"', it would also
# match this node:
#     device {
#         compatible = "manufacturer,device-v2", "manufacturer,device";
#         ...
#     };
# Strings in 'compatible' properties on nodes are tried from left to right, and
# the first binding found is used.
# If more than one binding for a compatible is found, an error is raised.

# Bindings can include other files, which can be used to share common
# definitions between bindings.
# Included files are merged into bindings with a simple recursive dictionary
# merge. It is up to the binding author to make sure that the final merged
# binding is well-formed, though it is checked by the code as well.
# It is an error if a key appears with a different value in a binding and in a
# file it includes, with one exception: A binding can have 'required: true' for
# some property for which the included file has 'required: false' (see the
# description of 'properties' below). The 'required: true' from the binding
# takes precedence, allowing bindings to strengthen requirements from included
# files.
# Note that weakening requirements by having 'required: false' where the
# included file has 'required: true' is an error. This is meant to keep the
# organization clean.
# The file base.yaml contains definitions for many common properties. When
# writing a new binding, it is a good idea to check if base.yaml already
# defines some of the needed properties, and including it in that case. Note
# that you can make a property defined in base.yaml obligatory like this
# (taking 'reg' as an example):
#     reg:
#         required: true
# This relies on the dictionary merge to fill in the other keys for 'reg', like
# 'type'.
# When including multiple files, any overlapping 'required' keys on properties
# in the included files are ORed together. This makes sure that a
# 'required: true' is always respected.
include: other.yaml # or [other1.yaml, other2.yaml]

# If the node describes a bus, then the bus type should be given, like below
bus: <string describing bus type, e.g. "i2c">

# If the node appears on a bus, then the bus type should be given, like below.
# When looking for a binding for a node, the code checks if the binding for the
# parent node contains 'bus: <bus type>'. If it does, then only bindings with a
# matching 'on-bus: <bus type>' are considered. This allows the same type of
# device to have different bindings depending on what bus it appears on.
on-bus: <string describing bus type, e.g. "i2c">

# 'properties' describes properties on the node, e.g.
#   reg = <1 2>;
#   current-speed = <115200>;
#   label = "foo";
# This is used to check that required properties appear, and to
# control the format of output generated for them. Except for some
# special-cased properties like 'reg', only properties listed here will
# generate output.
# A typical property entry looks like this:
#   <property name>:
#     required: <true | false>
#     type: <string | int | boolean | array | uint8-array | string-array |
#            phandle | phandles | phandle-array | path | compound>
#     description: <description of the property>
#     enum:
#       - <item1>
#       - <item2>
#       ...
#       - <itemN>
#     const: <string | int>
#     default: <default>
# These types are available:
#   - 'type: string' is for properties that are assigned a single string, like
#         ident = "foo";
#   - 'type: int' is for properties that are assigned a single 32-bit value,
#     like
#         frequency = <100>;
#   - 'type: boolean' is for properties used as flags that don't take a value,
#     like
#         hw-flow-control;
#     The macro generated for the property gets set to 1 if the property exists
#     on the node, and to 0 otherwise. When combined with 'required: true',
#     this type just forces the flag to appear on the node. The output will
#     always be 1 in that case.
#     Warning: Since a macro is always generated for 'type: boolean'
#     properties, don't use #ifdef in tests. Do this instead:
#         #if DT_SOME_BOOLEAN_PROP == 1
#   - 'type: array' is for properties that are assigned zero or more 32-bit
#     values, like
#         pin-config = <1 2 3>;
#   - 'type: uint8-array' is for properties that are assigned zero or more
#     bytes with the [] syntax, like
#         lookup-table = [89 AB CD EF];
#     Each byte is given in hex.
#     This type is called 'bytestring' in the Devicetree specification.
#   - 'type: string-array' if for properties that are assigned zero or more
#     strings, like
#         idents = "foo", "bar", "baz";
#   - 'type: phandle' is for properties that are assigned a single phandle,
#     like
#         foo = <&label>;
#   - 'type: phandles' is for properties that are assigned zero or more
#     phandles, like
#         foo = <&label1 &label2 ...>;
#   - 'type: phandle-array' is for properties that take a list of phandles and
#     (possibly) 32-bit numbers, like
#         pwms = <&ctrl-1 1 2 &ctrl-2 3 4>;
#     This type requires that the property works in the standard way that
#     devicetree properties like pwms, clocks, *-gpios, and io-channels work.
#     Taking 'pwms' as an example, the final -s is stripped from the property
#     name, and #pwm-cells is looked up in the node for the controller
#     (&ctrl-1/&ctrl-2) to determine the number of data values after the
#     phandle. The binding for each controller must also have a *-cells key
#     (e.g. pwm-cells), giving names to data values. See below for an
#     explanation of *-cells.
#     A *-names (e.g. pwm-names) property can appear on the node as well,
#     giving a name to each entry (the 'pwms' example above has two entries,
#     <&ctrl-1 1 2> and <&ctrl-2 3 4>).
#     Because other property names are derived from the name of the property by
#     removing the final -s, the property name must end in -s. An error is
#     raised if it doesn't.
#     *-gpios properties are special-cased so that e.g. foo-gpios resolves to
#     #gpio-cells rather than #foo-gpio-cells.
#     All phandle-array properties support mapping through *-map properties,
#     e.g. gpio-map. See the devicetree spec.
#   - 'type: path' is for properties that are assigned a path. Usually, this
#     would be done with a path reference:
#         foo = &label;
#     Plain strings are accepted too, and are verified to be a path to an
#     existing node:
#         foo = "/path/to/some/node";
#   - 'type: compound' is a catch-all for more complex types, e.g.
#         foo = <&label>, [01 02];
# 'type: array' and the other array types also allow splitting the value into
# several <> blocks, e.g. like this:
#     foo = <1 2>, <3 4>;                         // Okay for 'type: array'
#     foo = <&label1 &label2>, <&label3 &label4>; // Okay for 'type: phandles'
#     foo = <&label1 1 2>, <&label2 3 4>;         // Okay for 'type: phandle-array'
#     etc.
# The optional 'default:' setting gives a value that will be used if the
# property is missing from the device tree node. If 'default: <default>' is
# given for a property <prop> and <prop> is missing, then the output will be as
# if '<prop> = <default>' had appeared (except YAML data types are used for the
# default value).
# Note that it only makes sense to combine 'default:' with 'required: false'.
# Combining it with 'required: true' will raise an error.
# See below for examples of 'default:'. Putting 'default:' on any property type
# besides those used in the examples will raise an error.
    # Describes a property like 'current-speed = <115200>;'. We pretend that
    # it's obligatory for the example node and set 'required: true'.
        type: int
        required: true
        description: Initial baud rate for bar-device

    # Describes an optional property like 'keys = "foo", "bar";'
        type: string-array
        required: false
        description: Keys for bar-device

    # Describes an optional property like 'maximum-speed = "full-speed";
    # the enum specifies known values that the string property may take
        type: string
        required: false
        description: Configures USB controllers to work up to a specific speed.
           - "low-speed"
           - "full-speed"
           - "high-speed"
           - "super-speed"

    # Describes a required property '#address-cells = <1>';  the const
    # specifies that the value for the property is expected to be the value 1
        type: int
        required: true
        const: 1

        type: int
        required: false
        default: 123

        type: array
        required: false
        default: [1, 2, 3] # Same as 'array-with-default = <1 2 3>'

        type: string
        required: false
        default: "foo"

        type: string-array
        required: false
        default: ["foo", "bar"] # Same as 'string-array-with-default = "foo", "bar"'

        type: uint8-array
        required: false
        default: [0x12, 0x34] # Same as 'uint8-array-with-default = [12 34]'

# 'child-binding' can be used when a node has children that all share the same
# properties. Each child gets the contents of 'child-binding' as its binding
# (though an explicit 'compatible = ...' on the child node takes precedence, if
# a binding is found for it).
# The example below is for a binding for PWM LEDs, where the child nodes are
# required to have a 'pwms' property. It corresponds to this .dts structure
# (assuming the binding has 'compatible: "pwm-leds"'):
# pwmleds {
#         compatible = "pwm-leds";
#         red_pwm_led {
#                 pwms = <&pwm3 4 15625000>;
#         };
#         green_pwm_led {
#                 pwms = <&pwm3 0 15625000>;
#         };
#         ...
# };
    description: LED that uses PWM

            type: phandle-array
            required: true

# 'child-binding' also works recursively. For example, the binding below would
# provide a binding for the 'grandchild' node in this .dts (assuming
# 'compatible: "foo"'):
# parent {
#         compatible = "foo";
#         child {
#                 grandchild {
#                         prop = <123>;
#                 };
#         };
# }
    description: ...


        description: ...

                type: int
                required: true

# If the binding describes an interrupt controller, GPIO controller, pinmux
# device, or any other node referenced by other nodes via 'phandle-array'
# properties, then *-cells should be given.
# To understand the purpose of *-cells, assume that some node has
#     pwms = <&pwm-ctrl 1 2>;
# , where &pwm-ctrl refers to a node whose binding is this file.
# The <1 2> part of the property value is called a *specifier* (this
# terminology is from the devicetree specification), and contains additional
# data associated with the GPIO. Here, the specifier has two cells, and the
# node pointed at by &gpio-ctrl is expected to have '#pwm-cells = <2>'.
# *-cells gives a name to each cell in the specifier. These names are used when
# generating identifiers.
# In this example, assume that 1 refers to a pin and that 2 is a flag value.
# This gives a *-cells assignment like below.
    - channel # name of first cell
    - period  # name of second cell

# If the specifier is empty (e.g. '#clock-cells = <0>'), then *-cells can
# either be omitted (recommended) or set to an empty array. Note that an empty
# array is specified as e.g. 'clock-cells: []' in YAML.

# As a special case, all *-gpio properties map to the key 'gpio-cells',
# regardless of prefix
    - pin
    - flags

Inferred bindings

For sample code and applications it can be inconvenient to define a devicetree binding when only a few simple properties are needed, such as the identify of a GPIO for an application task. The devicetree syntax allows inference of a binding for properties based on the value observed. This inference is supported only for the /zephyr,user node. The properties referenced can be accessed through the standard devicetree macros, e.g. DT_PROP(DT_PATH(zephyr_user), bytes).

/ {
     zephyr,user {
             bytes = [81 82 83];
             number = <23>;
             numbers = <1>, <2>, <3>;
             string = "text";
             strings = "a", "b", "c";
             handle = <&gpio0>;
             handles = <&gpio0>, <&gpio1>;
             signal-gpios = <&gpio0 1 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;