TCP and UDP AT Commands

The following commands list contains TCP and UDP related AT commands.

For more information on the BSD networking services, visit the BSD Networking Services Spec Reference.


The #XSOCKET command allows you to open or close a socket, or to check the socket handle.

Set command

The set command allows you to open or close a socket.


  • The <op> parameter can accept one of the following values:

    • 0 - Close

    • 1 - Open

  • The <sec_tag> parameter is an integer. It indicates to the modem the credential of the security tag used for establishing a secure connection. It is associated with the certificate or PSK. Specifying the <sec_tag> is mandatory when opening a socket. When TLS/DTLS is expected, the credentials should be stored on the modem side by AT%XCMNG or by the Nordic nRF Connect/LTE Link Monitor tool. The modem needs to be in the offline state. The DTLS server is not supported.

  • The <type> parameter value depends on the presence of the <sec_tag> parameter. When the <sec_tag> is not specified:

    • 1: SOCK_STREAM for TCP

    • 2: SOCK_DGRAM for UDP

    When the <sec_tag> is specified:

    • 1: SOCK_STREAM for TLS

    • 2: SOCK_DGRAM for DTLS

  • The <role> parameter can accept one of the following values:

    • 0 - Client

    • 1 - Server

Response syntax

#XSOCKET: <handle>[,<type>,<protocol>]
  • The <handle> value is an integer. It can be interpreted as follows:

    • Positive - The socket opened successfully.

    • Negative - The socket failed to open.

    • 0 - The socket closed successfully.

  • The <type> parameter value depends on the presence of the <sec_tag> parameter. When the <sec_tag> is not specified:

    • 1: SOCK_STREAM for TCP

    • 2: SOCK_DGRAM for UDP

    When the <sec_tag> is specified:

    • 1: SOCK_STREAM for TLS

    • 2: SOCK_DGRAM for DTLS

  • The <protocol> value is present only in the response to a request to open the socket. It can be one of the following:

    • 6 - IPPROTO_TCP

    • 17 - IPPROTO_UDP

    • 258 - IPPROTO_TLS_1_2

    • 273 - IPPROTO_DTLS_1_2

Unsolicited notification

#XSOCKET: <error> closed

The <error> value is a negative integer. It represents the error value according to the standard POSIX errorno.


#XSOCKET: 3, 6, 0
#XSOCKET: 3, 17, 0
#XSOCKET: 0, closed
#XSOCKET: 2, 1, 0, 258
#XSOCKET: 2, 2, 0, 273

Read command

The read command allows you to check the socket handle.



Response syntax

#XSOCKET: <handle>[,<protocol>, <role>]
  • The <handle> value is an integer. It can be interpreted as follows:

    • Positive - The socket is valid.

    • 0 - The socket is closed.

  • The <protocol> value is present only in the response to a request to open the socket. It can be one of the following:

    • 6 - IPPROTO_TCP

    • 17 - IPPROTO_UDP

    • 258 - IPPROTO_TLS_1_2

    • 273 - IPPROTO_DTLS_1_2

  • The <role> parameter can accept one of the following values:

    • 0 - Client

    • 1 - Server


#XSOCKET: 3, 6, 0
#XSOCKET: 3, 17, 0
#XSOCKET: 2, 258, 0
#XSOCKET: 2, 273, 0

Test command

The test command tests the existence of the command and provides information about the type of its subparameters.



Response syntax

#XSOCKET: <list of op value>,<list of type value>,<list of roles>,<sec-tag>
  • The <op> parameter can accept one of the following values:

    • 0 - Open

    • 1 - Close

  • The <type> parameter value depends on the presence of the <sec_tag> parameter. When the <sec_tag> is not specified:

    • 1: SOCK_STREAM for TCP

    • 2: SOCK_DGRAM for UDP

    When the <sec_tag> is specified:

    • 1: SOCK_STREAM for TLS

    • 2: SOCK_DGRAM for DTLS

  • The <role> parameter can accept one of the following values:

    • 0 - Client

    • 1 - Server

  • The <sec_tag> parameter is an integer. It indicates to the modem the credential of the security tag used for establishing a secure connection.


#XSOCKET: (0, 1), (1, 2),<sec_tag>

BSD socket options #XSOCKETOPT

The #XSOCKETOPT command allows you to get and set socket options.

Set command

The set command allows you to get and set socket options.


  • The <op> parameter can accept one of the following values:

    • 0 - Get

    • 1 - Set

For a complete list of the supported SET <name> accepted parameters, refer to the SETSOCKETOPT Service Spec Reference. SO_RCVTIMEO(20), the <value> parameter is the Receive Timeout in seconds.

Response syntax

#XSOCKETOPT: <value>

For a complete list of the supported GET <name> accepted parameters, refer to the GETSOCKETOPT Service Spec Reference. SO_RCVTIMEO(20), the response <value> is the Receive Timeout in seconds.

Unsolicited Notification

#XSOCKET: <error> closed

SO_ERROR(4), the <error> response is the Error Status.



Read command

The read command is not supported.

Test command

The test command tests the existence of the command and provides information about the type of its subparameters.



Response syntax

#XSOCKETOPT: <list of op value>,<name><value>


#XSOCKETOPT: (0, 1), <name>, <value>

Socket binding #XBIND

The #XBIND command allows you to bind a socket with a local port.

Set command

The set command allows you to bind a socket with a local port.


  • The <port> parameter is an integer. It represents the specific port to use to bind the socket with.



Read command

The read command is not supported.

Test command

The test command is not supported.

TCP connection #XCONNECT

The #XCONNECT command allows you to connect to a TCP server and to check the connection status.

Set command

The set command allows you to connect to a TCP server.


  • The <url> parameter is a string. It indicates the hostname or the IP address to connect to. Its maximum size can be 128 bytes. When the parameter is an IP address, it supports IPv4 only, not IPv6.

  • The <port> parameter is an integer. It represents the port of the TCP service.

Response syntax

#XCONNECT: <status>
  • The <status> value is an integer. It can assume one of the following values:

  • 1 - Connected

  • 0 - Disconnected


AT#XCONNECT="", 1234

Read command

The read command allows you to check the connection status.



Response syntax

#XCONNECT: <status>

The <status> value is an integer. It can assume one of the following values:

  • 1 - Connected

  • 0 - Disconnected



Test command

The test command is not supported.

TCP set listen mode #XLISTEN

The #XLISTEN command allows you to put the TCP socket in listening mode for incoming connections.

Set command

The set command allows you to put the TCP socket in listening mode for incoming connections.



Response syntax

There is no response.



Read command

The read command is not supported.

Test command

The test command is not supported.

TCP accept incoming connection #XACCEPT

The #XACCEPT command allows you to wait for the TCP client to connect and to check the IP address of the accepted connection.

Set command

The set command allows you to wait for the TCP client to connect.



Response syntax

#TCPACCEPT: <ip_addr>

The <ip_addr> value indicates the IPv4 address of the peer host.



Read command

The read command allows you to check the IP address of the accepted connection.



Response syntax

#TCPACCEPT: <ip_addr>

The <ip_addr> value indicates the IPv4 address of the peer host. It is if there is no accepted connection yet.



Test command

The test command is not supported.

Send data #XSEND

The #XSEND command allows you to send data over the connection.

Set command

The set command allows you to send data over the connection.


  • The <datatype> parameter can accept one of the following values:

    • 0 - hexidecimal string (e.g. “DEADBEEF” for 0xDEADBEEF)

    • 1 - plain text (default value)

    • 2 - JSON

    • 3 - HTML

    • 4 - OMA TLV

  • The <data> parameter is a string. It contains the data being sent. The maximum size for NET_IPV4_MTU is 576 bytes. It should have no NULL character in the middle.

Response syntax

#XSEND: <size>
  • The <size> value is an integer. It represents the actual number of bytes sent.



Read command

The read command is not supported.

Test command

The test command is not supported.

Receive data #XRECV

The #XRECV command allows you to receive data over the connection.

Set command

The set command allows you to receive data over the connection.


  • The <size> value is an integer. It represents the actual number of requested bytes. It is set to the value of NET_IPV4_MTU when not specified.

Response syntax

#XRECV: <datatype>, <size>
  • The <data> value is a string. It contains the data being received.

  • The <datatype> parameter can accept one of the following values:

    • 0 - hexidecimal string (e.g. “DEADBEEF” for 0xDEADBEEF)

    • 1 - plain text (default value)

    • 2 - JSON

    • 3 - HTML

    • 4 - OMA TLV

  • The <size> value is an integer. It represents the actual number of bytes received. The maximum size for NET_IPV4_MTU is 576 bytes. It must not have any NULL character in the middle.


Test OK
#XRECV: 1, 7

Read command

The read command is not supported.

Test command

The test command is not supported.

UDP Send data #XSENDTO

The #XSENDTO command allows you to send data over the UDP channel.

Set command

The set command allows you to send data over the UDP channel.


  • The <url> parameter is a string. It indicates the hostname or the IP address to connect to. Its maximum size can be 128 bytes. When the parameter is an IP address, it supports IPv4 only, not IPv6.

  • The <port> parameter is an integer. It represents the port of the TCP service.

  • The <datatype> parameter can accept one of the following values:

    • 0 - hexidecimal string (e.g. “DEADBEEF” for 0xDEADBEEF)

    • 1 - plain text (default value)

    • 2 - JSON

    • 3 - HTML

    • 4 - OMA TLV

  • The <data> parameter is a string. It contains the data being sent. The maximum size for NET_IPV4_MTU is 576 bytes. It must not have any``NULL`` character in the middle.

Response syntax

#XSENDTO: <size>
  • The <size> value is an integer. It represents the actual number of bytes sent.


AT#XSENDTO="",1234,"Test UDP"

Read command

The read command is not supported.

Test command

The test command is not supported.

UDP receive data #XRECVFROM

The #XRECVFROM command allows you to receive data through the UDP channel.

Set command

The set command allows you to receive data through the UDP channel.



The <size> value is an integer. It represents the actual number of bytes requested. It is set to match the NET_IPV4_MTU when not specified.

Response syntax

#XRECVFROM: <datatype>, <size>
  • The <data> value is a string. It contains the data being received.

  • The <datatype> parameter can accept one of the following values:

    • 0 - hexidecimal string (e.g. “DEADBEEF” for 0xDEADBEEF)

    • 1 - plain text (default value)

    • 2 - JSON

    • 3 - HTML

    • 4 - OMA TLV

  • The <size> value is an integer. It represents the actual number of bytes received.


Test OK

Read command

The read command is not supported.

Test command

The test command is not supported.

Resolve hostname #XGETADDRINFO

The #XGETADDRINFO command allows you to resolve hostnames to IPv4 addresses.

Set command

The set command allows you to resolve hostnames to IPv4 addresses.



The <hostname> parameter is a string. It cannot be an IPv4 address string.

Response syntax

  • The <ip_addr> value is a string. It indicates the IPv4 address of the resolved hostname.



Read command

The read command is not supported.

Test command

The test command is not supported.


The #XTCPSVR command allows you to start and stop the TCP server.

Set command

The set command allows you to start and stop the TCP server.


  • The <op> parameter can accept one of the following values:

    • 0 - Stop the server

    • 1 - Start the server

    • 2 - Start the server with data mode support

  • The <port> parameter is an integer. It represents the TCP service port. It is mandatory to set it when starting the server.

  • The <sec_tag> parameter is an integer. It indicates to the modem the credential of the security tag used for establishing a secure connection.

Response syntax

#XTCPSVR: <handle> started

The <handle> value is an integer. When positive, it indicates that it opened successfully. When negative, it indicates that it failed to open.

Unsolicited notification

#XTCPSVR: <error> stopped

The <error> value is a negative integer. It represents the error value according to the standard POSIX errorno.

#XTCPDATA: <datatype>, <size>
  • The <datatype> value can assume one of the following values:

    • 0 - hexidecimal string (e.g. “DEADBEEF” for 0xDEADBEEF)

    • 1 - plain text (default value)

    • 2 - JSON

    • 3 - HTML

    • 4 - OMA TLV

  • The <size> value is the length of RX data received by the SLM waiting to be fetched by the MCU.


#XTCPSVR: 2 started
#XTCPSVR: connected
#XTCPRECV: 1, 13
Hello, TCP#1!
#XTCPRECV: 1, 13
Hello, TCP#2!

Read command

The read command allows you to check the TCP server settings.



Response syntax

#XTCPSVR: <listen_socket_handle>,<income_socket_handle>,<data_mode>

The <handle> value is an integer. When positive, it indicates that it opened successfully. When negative, it indicates that it failed to open or that there is no incoming connection.

  • The <data_mode> value can assume one of the following values:

    • 0 - Disabled

    • 1 - Enabled


#XTCPSVR: 1, 2, 0
#XTCPSVR: timeout
#XTCPSVR: 1, -1

Test command

The test command tests the existence of the command and provides information about the type of its subparameters.



Response syntax

#XTCPSVR: (list of op value),<port>,<sec_tag>


#XTCPSVR: (0, 1, 2),<port>,<sec_tag>


The #XTCPCLI command allows you to create a TCP/TLS client and to connect to a server.

Set command

The set command allows you to create a TCP/TLS client and to connect to a server.


  • The <op> parameter can accept one of the following values:

    • 0 - Disconnect

    • 1 - Connect to the server

    • 2 - Connect to the server with data mode support

  • The <url> parameter is a string. It indicates the hostname or the IP address to connect to. Its maximum size is 128 bytes. When the parameter is an IP address, it supports IPv4 only, not IPv6.

  • The <port> parameter is an integer. It represents the TCP/TLS service port. It is mandatory for starting the server.

  • The <sec_tag> parameter is an integer. It indicates to the modem the credential of the security tag used for establishing a secure connection.

Response syntax

#XTCPCLI: <handle> connected

Unsolicited notification

#XTCPCLI: <error> disconnected

The <error> value is a negative integer. It represents the error value according to the standard POSIX errorno.

When TLS/DTLS is expected, the credentials should be stored on the modem side by AT%XCMNG or by the Nordic nRF Connect/LTE Link Monitor tool. The modem needs to be in the offline state.

#XTCPDATA: <datatype>, <size>
  • The <datatype> value can assume one of the following values:

    • 0 - hexidecimal string (e.g. “DEADBEEF” for 0xDEADBEEF)

    • 1 - plain text (default value)

    • 2 - JSON

    • 3 - HTML

    • 4 - OMA TLV

  • The <size> value is the length of RX data received by the SLM waiting to be fetched by the MCU.


#XTCPCLI: 2 connected
#XTCPRECV: 1, 31
PONG: b'Test TCP by IP address'


Read command

The read command allows you to verify the status of the connection.



Response syntax

#XTCPCLI: <handle>,<data_mode>

The <handle> value is an integer. When positive, it indicates that it opened successfully. When negative, it indicates that it failed to open.

  • The <data_mode> value can assume one of the following values:

    • 0 - Disabled

    • 1 - Enabled

Test command

The test command tests the existence of the command and provides information about the type of its subparameters.


#XTCPCLI: (op list),<url>,<port>,<sec_tag>


#XTCPCLI: (0, 1, 2),<url>,<port>,<sec_tag>

TCP send data #XTCPSEND

The #XTCPSEND command allows you to send the data over the connection.

Set command

The set command allows you to send the data over the connection. When used from a TCP/TLS client, it sends the data to the remote TCP server When used from a TCP server, it sends data to the remote TCP client


  • The <datatype> parameter can accept one of the following values:

    • 0 - hexidecimal string (e.g. “DEADBEEF” for 0xDEADBEEF)

    • 1 - plain text (default value)

    • 2 - JSON

    • 3 - HTML

    • 4 - OMA TLV

  • The <data> parameter is a string. It contains the data being sent. The maximum size for NET_IPV4_MTU is 576 bytes. It should have no NULL character in the middle.

Response syntax

#XTCPSEND: <size>
  • The <size> value is an integer. It represents the actual number of the bytes sent.


at#xtcpsend=1,"Test TLS client"

Read command

The read command is not supported.

Test command

The test command is not supported.

TCP receive data #XTCPRECV

The #XTCPRECV command allows you to receive data over the connection.

Set command

The set command allows you to receive data over the connection. It receives data buffered in the Serial LTE Modem.


  • The <size> value is an integer. It represents the requested number of bytes.

Response syntax

#XTCPRECV: <size>
  • The <size> value is an integer. It represents the actual number of the bytes received in the response.

Read command

The read command is not supported.

Test command

The test command is not supported.


The #XUDPSVR command allows you to start and stop the UDP server.

Set command

The set command allows you to start and stop the UDP server.


  • The <op> parameter can accept one of the following values:

    • 0 - Stop the server

    • 1 - Start the server

    • 2 - Start the server with data mode support

  • The <port> parameter is an integer. It represents the UDP service port. It is mandatory for starting the server. The data mode is enabled when the TCP/TLS server is started.

Response syntax

#XUDPSVR: <handle> started

The <handle> value is an integer. When positive, it indicates that it opened successfully. When negative, it indicates that it failed to open.

Unsolicited notification

#XUDPSVR: <error> stopped

The <error> value is a negative integer. It represents the error value according to the standard POSIX errorno.

The reception of data is automatic. It is reported to the client as follows:

#XUDPRECV: <datatype>, <size>
  • The <datatype> parameter can accept one of the following values:

    • 0 - hexidecimal string (e.g. “DEADBEEF” for 0xDEADBEEF)

    • 1 - plain text (default value)

    • 2 - JSON

    • 3 - HTML

    • 4 - OMA TLV


#XUDPSVR: 2 started
#XUDPRECV: 1, 13
Hello, UDP#1!
#XUDPRECV: 1, 13
Hello, UDP#2!

Read command

The read command allows you to check the current value of the subparameters.



Response syntax

#XUDPSVR: <handle>,<data_mode>

The <handle> value is an integer. When positive, it indicates that it opened successfully. When negative, it indicates that it failed to open.

  • The <data_mode> value can assume one of the following values:

    • 0 - Disabled

    • 1 - Enabled

Test command

The test command tests the existence of the command and provides information about the type of its subparameters.



Response syntax

#XUDPSVR: (list of op value),<port>,<sec_tag>


#XUDPSVR: (0, 1, 2),<port>,<sec_tag>


The #XUDPCLI command allows you to create a UDP/DTLS client and to connect to a server.

Set command

The set command allows you to create a UDP/DTLS client and connect to a server.


  • The <op> parameter can accept one of the following values:

    • 0 - Disconnect

    • 1 - Connect to the server

    • 2 - Connect to the server with data mode support

  • The <url> parameter is a string. It indicates the hostname or the IP address to connect to. Its maximum size can be 128 bytes. When the parameter is an IP address, it supports IPv4 only, not IPv6.

  • The <port> parameter is an integer. It represents the UDP/DTLS service port.

  • The <sec_tag> parameter is an integer. It indicates to the modem the credential of the security tag used for establishing a secure connection.

Response syntax

#XUDPCLI: <handle> connected

Unsolicited notification

#XUDPCLI: <error> disconnected

The <error> value is a negative integer. It represents the error value according to the standard POSIX errorno.

The reception of data is automatic. It is reported to the client as follows:

#XTCPCLI: <datatype>, <size>
  • The <datatype> parameter can accept one of the following values:

    • 0 - hexidecimal string (e.g. “DEADBEEF” for 0xDEADBEEF)

    • 1 - plain text (default value)

    • 2 - JSON

    • 3 - HTML

    • 4 - OMA TLV


#XUDPCLI: 2 connected
at#xudpsend=1,"Test UDP by hostname"
#XUDPRECV: 1, 26
PONG: Test UDP by hostname

Read command

The read command allows you to check the current value of the subparameters.



Response syntax

#XUDPCLI: <handle>,<data_mode>

The <handle> value is an integer. When positive, it indicates that it opened successfully. When negative, it indicates that it failed to open.

  • The <data_mode> value can assume one of the following values:

    • 0 - Disabled

    • 1 - Enabled

Test command

The test command tests the existence of the command and provides information about the type of its subparameters.


#XUDPCLI: (op list),<url>,<port>,<sec_tag>


#XUDPCLI: (0, 1, 2),<url>,<port>,<sec_tag>

UDP send data #XUDPSEND

The #XUDPSEND command allows you to send data over the connection.

Set command

The set command allows you to send data over the connection.


  • The <datatype> parameter can accept one of the following values:

    • 0 - hexidecimal string (e.g. “DEADBEEF” for 0xDEADBEEF)

    • 1 - plain text (default value)

    • 2 - JSON

    • 3 - HTML

    • 4 - OMA TLV

  • The <data> parameter is a string type. It contains arbitrary data.

Response syntax

#XUDPSEND: <size>
  • The <size> value is an integer. It indicates the actual number of bytes sent.


at#xudpsend=1,"Test UDP by hostname"

Read command

The read command is not supported.

Test command

The test command is not supported.