38 #ifndef NRF_MESH_PROV_EVENTS_H__ 39 #define NRF_MESH_PROV_EVENTS_H__ 41 #include "nrf_mesh_prov_types.h" 42 #include "nrf_mesh_prov_bearer.h" Provisioning failed event.
nrf_mesh_prov_ctx_t * p_context
Provisioning context pointer.
Provisioning input request.
Provisioning event structure.
ECDH calculation requested.
uint8_t size
Size of the output data provided.
Provisioning complete event.
const nrf_mesh_prov_provisioning_data_t * p_prov_data
Pointer to provisioning data structure.
Size (in octets) of a UUID.
nrf_mesh_prov_ctx_t * p_context
Provisioning context pointer.
Provisioning link established.
nrf_mesh_prov_evt_link_established_t link_established
Provisioning link established event (NRF_MESH_PROV_EVT_LINK_ESTABLISHED).
nrf_mesh_prov_evt_unprov_t unprov
Unprovisioned beacon received event (NRF_MESH_PROV_EVT_UNPROVISIONED_RECEIVED).
nrf_mesh_prov_evt_output_request_t output_request
Provisioning output requested (NRF_MESH_PROV_EVT_OUTPUT_REQUEST).
OOB authentication capabilities received from the provisionee.
nrf_mesh_prov_evt_invite_received_t invite_received
Provisioning invite event (NRF_MESH_PROV_EVT_INVITE_RECEIVED).
nrf_mesh_prov_link_close_reason_t close_reason
Reason for closing the link.
nrf_mesh_prov_ctx_t * p_context
Provisioning context pointer.
nrf_mesh_prov_ctx_t * p_context
Provisioning context.
Reason for why a provisioning link was closed.
Provisioning link closed event.
bool uri_hash_present
Whether the beacon has a URI hash or not.
nrf_mesh_prov_ctx_t * p_context
Provisioning context where the capabilities were received.
Provisioning output request.
nrf_mesh_prov_ctx_t * p_context
Provisioning context pointer.
nrf_mesh_prov_evt_start_received_t start_received
Provisioning start event (NRF_MESH_PROV_EVT_START_RECEIVED).
Received an unprovisioned node beacon.
uint8_t action
Requested action.
const nrf_mesh_rx_metadata_t * p_metadata
Metadata for the received packet.
Size (in octets) of the unprovisioned beacon URI hash.
Provisioning failure codes.
nrf_mesh_prov_evt_caps_received_t oob_caps_received
Provisioning capabilities received (NRF_MESH_PROV_EVT_CAPS_RECEIVED).
Provisioning invite event.
Provisioning invite received.
Provisioning start event.
void(* nrf_mesh_prov_evt_handler_cb_t)(const nrf_mesh_prov_evt_t *p_evt)
Provisioning event handler callback type.
const uint8_t * p_devkey
Device key of the provisioned device.
nrf_mesh_prov_evt_link_closed_t link_closed
Provisioning link lost event (NRF_MESH_PROV_EVT_LINK_CLOSED).
Static provisioning data requested event.
Provisioning output requested event.
Provisioning start received.
nrf_mesh_prov_evt_oob_pubkey_request_t oob_pubkey_request
OOB public key requested.
Provisioning authentication capabilities.
Unprovisioned node beacon received event structure.
const uint8_t * p_data
Pointer to the data to output.
nrf_mesh_prov_evt_input_request_t input_request
Provisioning input requested (NRF_MESH_PROV_EVT_INPUT_REQUEST).
Provisioning link established event.
Provisioning failed message received.
nrf_mesh_prov_failure_code_t failure_code
Failure code indicating which error occured.
Request for the application to perform the ECDH calculation.
nrf_mesh_prov_ctx_t * p_context
Provisioning context pointer.
nrf_mesh_prov_ctx_t * p_context
Provisioning context pointer.
uint8_t attention_duration_s
Time in seconds during which the device will identify itself using any means it can.
const uint8_t * p_peer_public
Pointer to the public key of the peer node.
nrf_mesh_prov_evt_complete_t complete
Provisioning complete (NRF_MESH_PROV_EVT_COMPLETE).
Provisioning data to transmit to a device.
nrf_mesh_prov_evt_failed_t failed
Provisioning failed (NRF_MESH_PROV_EVT_FAILED).
nrf_mesh_prov_evt_ecdh_request_t ecdh_request
nrf_mesh_prov_ctx_t * p_context
Provisioning context pointer.
Provisioning static data request.
nrf_mesh_prov_oob_caps_t oob_caps
Capabilities reported by the provisionee node.
bool gatt_supported
Provisioning over GATT supported by the unprovisioned node.
Provisionee capabilities received.
Out-of-band public key requested event.
nrf_mesh_prov_ctx_t * p_context
Provisioning context.
const uint8_t * p_node_private
Private key of this node.
nrf_mesh_prov_ctx_t * p_context
Provisioning context pointer.
nrf_mesh_prov_evt_static_request_t static_request
Static provisioning data requested (NRF_MESH_PROV_EVT_STATIC_REQUEST).