43 #include "nrf_mesh_dfu_types.h" 45 #include "mesh_config.h" 46 #include "heartbeat.h" 47 #include "mesh_friendship_types.h" 169 uint16_t subnet_index;
170 const uint8_t * p_network_id;
213 const heartbeat_subscription_state_t *
215 const heartbeat_subscription_state_t *
nrf_mesh_evt_sar_failed_t sar_failed
SAR failed event.
bool key_refresh_in_phase2
The Key Refresh Flag indicates whether the Key Refresh procedure is in progress (see Section 3...
DFU transfer information structure.
int8_t measured_rssi
The RSSI of the Friend Request as measured by the Friend.
nrf_mesh_evt_dfu_t dfu
DFU event.
The friendship was terminated and the ongoing RX could not continue.
bool key_refresh
Key refresh flag in the beacon.
uint32_t iv_index
The IV Index field contains the current IV Index.
IV update event structure.
const nrf_mesh_network_secmat_t * p_net
Network layer security material used in the decryption of the payload.
const heartbeat_subscription_state_t * p_new
New subscription state, or NULL if heartbeat subscriptions are disabled.
const nrf_mesh_beacon_secmat_t * p_beacon_secmat
The security material within the p_beacon_info that authenticated the incoming beacon.
nrf_mesh_dfu_role_t role
The role of the device in the transfer.
The friendship is successfully terminated.
net_state_iv_update_t state
Current IV update state.
nrf_mesh_fwid_t current
FWID union containing the current firmware ID of the given type.
Mesh event types.
The LPN successfully polled all data from the Friend node.
nrf_mesh_evt_key_refresh_notification_t key_refresh
Key refresh notification event.
uint16_t friend_counter
Number of Friend Offer messages the Friend node has sent in its lifetime.
void nrf_mesh_evt_handler_add(nrf_mesh_evt_handler_t *p_handler_params)
Register an event handler to get events from the core stack.
const mesh_friendship_t * p_friendship
Pointer to the friendship parameter structure.
The device firmware is outdated, according to a trusted source.
Network security material structure.
The replay protection cache is full.
nrf_mesh_tx_token_t token
Packet ID of the SAR session.
nrf_mesh_evt_net_beacon_received_t net_beacon
A network beacon was received.
Flash operations queue is empty, and flash is stable.
mesh_config_entry_id_t id
ID being loaded when the load failure occured.
Mesh config entry identifier.
A heartbeat message is received.
The node received a Friend Offer.
nrf_mesh_evt_lpn_friend_update_t friend_update
Friend Update event.
bool iv_update_active
The IV Update Flag indicates whether the IV Update procedure is in progress (see Section 3...
const nrf_mesh_network_secmat_t * p_secmat_net
Network layer security material used in the decryption of the payload.
mesh_config_entry_id_t id
ID being stored when the storage failure occured.
nrf_mesh_evt_hb_subscription_change_t hb_subscription_change
HB subscription state changed.
Information structure for the Bluetooth Mesh network beacons.
RX failure reason codes.
The various roles a device can play in a dfu transfer.
Reasons for a DFU operation to end.
nrf_mesh_evt_lpn_friend_offer_t friend_offer
Friend Offer event.
const nrf_mesh_network_secmat_t * p_net
Network layer security material used in the decryption of the payload.
nrf_mesh_tx_token_t token
Packet identifier.
RX failed event structure.
The Low Power node was not able to send transport command due to internal fault.
uint16_t features
Features' state bitmap.
void * p_flash_page
The address of the flash page the attempted operation failed.
The heartbeat subscription parameters changed.
nrf_mesh_dfu_end_t end_reason
Reason for the end event.
The device firmware is outdated, according to an un-authenticated source.
const heartbeat_subscription_state_t * p_old
Old subscription state, or NULL if heartbeat subscriptions were disabled before the change...
nrf_mesh_evt_hb_message_t hb_message
HB message received/sent event.
uint16_t lpn_src
Source (element) address of the Low Power node.
nrf_mesh_friendship_role_t role
Source device role for the event.
nrf_mesh_evt_friendship_established_t friendship_established
Friendship established event.
uint8_t authority
Authority level of the transfer.
list_node_t node
Node for the keeping in linked list.
SAR session cancelled reason codes.
There was no response from the LPN within the Poll Timeout.
mesh_config_load_failure_t reason
Reason for the load failure.
bool is_removed
Boolean to ensure list integrity.
The node received a Friend Update.
A new Friend Request was received from an LPN.
nrf_mesh_evt_config_load_failure_t config_load_failure
Configuration load failure event.
uint32_t iv_index
IV index in the beacon.
Heartbeat received event structure.
void(* nrf_mesh_evt_handler_cb_t)(const nrf_mesh_evt_t *p_evt)
Mesh event handler callback type.
The Friend Request timed out.
The LPN established a friendship with a different Friend.
nrf_mesh_evt_friend_request_t friend_request
Friend Request event.
DFU request for this node to be the relay of a transfer.
SAR failed event structure.
nrf_mesh_evt_iv_update_notification_t iv_update
IV update notification event.
nrf_mesh_dfu_type_t dfu_type
DFU type and firmware ID of the transfer.
const uint32_t * p_start_addr
Start address of the bank.
Network beacon received structure.
The friendship was established and the ongoing RX could not continue.
The mesh stack completed and stopped all activities and ready to power off.
The friendship is successfully established.
nrf_mesh_evt_handler_cb_t evt_cb
Callback function pointer.
The friendship was terminated through the API.
Bluetooth Mesh security material structure.
User tokens for the flash manager.
The Low Power node actively terminated the friendship.
uint8_t subscription_list_size
Number of subscriptions the Friend can store for the LPN.
uint32_t length
Length of the firmware in the bank.
bool is_friend_queue_empty
The field is set to indicate whether the Friend Queue is empty or not.
uint8_t receive_window_ms
Receive window supported by the Friend node.
nrf_mesh_evt_config_storage_failure_t config_storage_failure
Configuration storage failure event.
const nrf_mesh_rx_metadata_t * p_rx_metadata
RX metadata for the packet that produced the beacon.
An IV update event occurred.
Mesh configuration persistent storage is stable.
const nrf_mesh_rx_metadata_t * p_metadata
Metadata for the received packet.
Key refresh notification structure.
Mesh configuration persistent storage failed while storing.
uint8_t ttl
Time-to-live for the message.
nrf_mesh_friendship_role_t role
Source role of the event.
uint32_t nrf_mesh_tx_token_t
TX Token type, used as a context parameter to notify the application of ended transmissions.
nrf_mesh_address_t src
Source address of the message.
uint32_t page_count
The number of pages provided to the flash manager of the module reporting the event.
nrf_mesh_dfu_transfer_t transfer
DFU type and firmware ID of the transfer.
uint16_t src
Unicast address of the sender.
void nrf_mesh_evt_handler_remove(nrf_mesh_evt_handler_t *p_handler_params)
Remove an event handler.
nrf_mesh_evt_type_t type
Type of event.
Key refresh phase.
const void * p_flash_entry
The flash entry that failed.
nrf_mesh_address_t dst
Destination address of the message.
const nrf_mesh_rx_metadata_t * p_metadata
Metadata for the received packet.
Mesh event handler context structure.
uint16_t friend_src
Source (element) address of the Friend node.
const void * p_area
The start of the area owned by the flash manager of the module reporting the event.
uint8_t hops
Calculated hop value.
uint8_t friend_queue_size
Size of the message queue the Friend has reserved for messages to the LPN.
Transmission complete event structure.
The transport SAR session timed out.
The mesh has been enabled.
timestamp_t timestamp
Timestamp of the TX complete event.
const uint8_t * p_network_id
Network ID of the beacon that triggered the notification.
A key refresh event occurred.
bool is_signed
Flag indicating whether the bank is signed with an encryption key.
nrf_mesh_rx_failed_reason_t reason
Reason for the RX failure.
nrf_mesh_secmat_t secmat
Security material used in the decryption of the payload.
const uint8_t * p_auth_value
Authentication value in the beacon.
An authenticated network beacon is received.
The node has received a Friend Request from an LPN.
nrf_mesh_evt_message_t message
Incoming message.
uint8_t init_ttl
Initial TTL value used for sending the heartbeat message.
uint32_t iv_index
IV index currently used for sending messages.
Device state manager flash user.
nrf_mesh_evt_rx_failed_t rx_failed
RX failed.
uint16_t src
Metadata for the received packet.
DFU request for this node to be the source of a transfer.
nrf_mesh_evt_friendship_terminated_reason_t reason
Reason for friendship termination.
nrf_mesh_evt_flash_failed_t flash_failed
Flash failed event.
net_state_iv_update_t iv_update
IV update flag in the beacon.
nrf_mesh_evt_tx_complete_t tx_complete
Transmission complete.
The peer cancelled the SAR session.
Parameters for changes to the heartbeat subscription state.
Message received event structure.
const nrf_mesh_rx_metadata_t * p_metadata
Metadata for the received packet.
uint16_t length
Message length.
const void * p_data
Failing data.
Device role in the friendship.
ID of a standalone firmware segment.
The LPN did not receive all segments before NRF_MESH_EVT_LPN_FRIEND_POLL_COMPLETE.
uint32_t data_len
Length of the failing data.
Security material for the Bluetooth Mesh network beacons.
const nrf_mesh_beacon_info_t * p_beacon_info
Pointer to the associated beacon info used to authenticate the incoming beacon.
The transport SAR session TX retry limit is exceeded.
nrf_mesh_evt_friendship_terminated_t friendship_terminated
Friendship terminated event.
nrf_mesh_sar_session_cancel_reason_t reason
Reason for closing the session.
uint16_t src
Source (element) address of the Friend node.
const uint8_t * p_buffer
Buffer containing the message data.
uint16_t lpn_src
Source (element) address of the Low Power node.
The mesh proxy server is stopped.
The mesh has been disabled.
The peer started another SAR session.
The Friend node did not reply to the (repeated) Friend Poll.
State of IV update procedure.
There were not enough resources to process the transport SAR session.
uint8_t ivi
IV index bit of the RX packet.
Mesh configuration persistent storage failed while loading an entry.
DFU transfer types.
uint16_t friend_src
Source (element) address of the Friend node.
nrf_mesh_flash_user_module_t user
The module the event is reported from.