Serial Events are messages sent from the nRF5 to the host controller. Messages are sent in one of the following ways:
See the following table for an overview of the various events pushed by the nRF5 to the host. Each entry links to the details section, where the parameters and reason for each event are described.
Event | Opcode |
Cmd Rsp | 0x84 |
Device Started | 0x81 |
Device Echo Rsp | 0x82 |
Device Internal Event | 0x83 |
Application | 0x8a |
SAR Start | 0x8b |
SAR Continue | 0x8c |
DFU Req Relay | 0xa0 |
DFU Req Source | 0xa1 |
DFU Start | 0xa2 |
DFU End | 0xa3 |
DFU Bank Available | 0xa4 |
DFU Firmware Outdated | 0xa5 |
DFU Firmware Outdated No Auth | 0xa6 |
Openmesh New | 0xb3 |
Openmesh Update | 0xb4 |
Openmesh Conflicting | 0xb5 |
Openmesh TX | 0xb6 |
Prov Unprovisioned Received | 0xc0 |
Prov Link Established | 0xc1 |
Prov Link Closed | 0xc2 |
Prov Caps Received | 0xc3 |
Prov Invite Received | 0xc4 |
Prov Start Received | 0xca |
Prov Complete | 0xc5 |
Prov Auth Request | 0xc6 |
Prov ECDH Request | 0xc7 |
Prov Output Request | 0xc8 |
Prov Failed | 0xc9 |
Mesh Message Received Unicast | 0xd0 |
Mesh Message Received Subscription | 0xd1 |
Mesh TX Complete | 0xd2 |
Mesh IV Update Notification | 0xd3 |
Mesh Key Refresh Notification | 0xd4 |
Mesh Heartbeat Received | 0xd8 |
Mesh IV Entry Set Notification | 0xd9 |
Mesh Seqnum Entry Set Notification | 0xda |
Mesh SAR Failed | 0xd7 |
Model Specific | 0xf0 |
This subsection contains detailed description of each serial event, including opcodes, total length, description, and parameters (if any exist).
Opcode: 0x84
Total length: 3..255 bytes
Command response. Each command (except the Echo command) immediately gets a command response. See the individual commands for their responses.
Cmd Rsp Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
uint8_t | Opcode | 1 | 0 | Opcode of original command. |
uint8_t | Status | 1 | 1 | Return status of the serial command. |
uint8_t[252] | Data | 0..252 | 2 | Optional command response data. |
Opcode: 0x81
Total length: 4 bytes
The device has started, and is ready for commands. No commands will be accepted before this event, and it is guaranteed to be the first event to cross the serial.
Device Started Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
uint8_t | Operating Mode | 1 | 0 | Operating mode of the device. see serial_device_operating_mode_t for accepted values. |
uint8_t | Hw Error | 1 | 1 | Hardware error code, or 0 if no error occurred. |
uint8_t | Data Credit Available | 1 | 2 | The number of bytes available in each of the tx and rx buffers. |
Opcode: 0x82
Total length: 1..255 bytes
Response to the Echo command. Contains the exact same data as received in the echo command.
Device Echo Rsp Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
uint8_t[254] | Data | 0..254 | 0 | Data received in the echo command. |
Opcode: 0x83
Total length: 35 bytes
Internal stack event occurred.
Device Internal Event Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
uint8_t | Event Type | 1 | 0 | Reported event. See internal_event_type_t for accepted values. |
uint8_t | State | 1 | 1 | State information about the event type reported. |
uint8_t | Packet Size | 1 | 2 | Size (in bytes) of the packet. |
uint8_t[31] | Packet | 31 | 3 | Event data. |
Opcode: 0x8a
Total length: 1..255 bytes
Application event, only sent by the device application.
Application Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
uint8_t[254] | Data | 0..254 | 0 | Application data. |
Opcode: 0x8b
Total length: 1 byte
Start of a Segmentation and Reassembly message from the device.
SAR Start has no parameters.
Opcode: 0x8c
Total length: 1 byte
Continuation of a Segmentation and Reassembly message from the device.
SAR Continue has no parameters.
Opcode: 0xa0
Total length: 13 bytes
Received a request from another device to act as a relay in a DFU transaction.
DFU Req Relay Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
uint8_t | DFU Type | 1 | 0 | DFU type of the transfer. See nrf_mesh_dfu_type_t. |
nrf_mesh_fwid_t | FWID | 10 | 1 | Firmware ID of the requested transfer. |
uint8_t | Authority | 1 | 11 | Authority level of the transfer. |
Opcode: 0xa1
Total length: 2 bytes
Recevied a request from another device to act as a source in a DFU transaction.
DFU Req Source Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
uint8_t | DFU Type | 1 | 0 | DFU type of the transfer. See nrf_mesh_dfu_type_t. |
Opcode: 0xa2
Total length: 13 bytes
The current DFU operation started its data transfer stage.
DFU Start Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
uint8_t | Role | 1 | 0 | The device's role in the transfer. See nrf_mesh_dfu_role_t. |
uint8_t | DFU Type | 1 | 1 | DFU type of the transfer. See nrf_mesh_dfu_type_t. |
nrf_mesh_fwid_t | FWID | 10 | 2 | Firmware ID of the transfer. |
Opcode: 0xa3
Total length: 14 bytes
The current DFU operation ended its data transfer stage.
DFU End Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
uint8_t | Role | 1 | 0 | The device's role in the transfer. See nrf_mesh_dfu_role_t. |
uint8_t | DFU Type | 1 | 1 | DFU type of the transfer. See nrf_mesh_dfu_type_t. |
nrf_mesh_fwid_t | FWID | 10 | 2 | Firmware ID of the transfer. |
uint8_t | End Reason | 1 | 12 | Reason for ending the transfer. See nrf_mesh_dfu_end_t. |
Opcode: 0xa4
Total length: 21 bytes
A DFU firmware bank is available for flashing.
DFU Bank Available Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
uint8_t | DFU Type | 1 | 0 | DFU type of the transfer. See nrf_mesh_dfu_type_t. |
nrf_mesh_fwid_t | FWID | 10 | 1 | Firmware ID of the transfer. |
uint32_t | Start Addr | 4 | 11 | Start address of the bank. |
uint32_t | Length | 4 | 15 | Length of the banked firmware. |
uint8_t | Is Signed | 1 | 19 | Whether the bank is signed or not. |
Opcode: 0xa5
Total length: 22 bytes
The mesh has received a secure notification indicating that the framework is out of date. Call DFU Request to initiate a request to receive the firmware upgrade.
DFU Firmware Outdated Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
uint8_t | DFU Type | 1 | 0 | DFU type of the transfer. See nrf_mesh_dfu_type_t. |
nrf_mesh_fwid_t | Available FWID | 10 | 1 | Firmware ID of the newest firmware available. |
nrf_mesh_fwid_t | Current FWID | 10 | 11 | Firmware ID of the current version of the outdated firmware. |
Opcode: 0xa6
Total length: 22 bytes
The mesh has received an insecure notification indicating that the framework is out of date. Call Direct Firmware Upgrade Request to initiate a request to receive the firmware upgrade.
DFU Firmware Outdated No Auth Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
uint8_t | DFU Type | 1 | 0 | DFU type of the transfer. See nrf_mesh_dfu_type_t. |
nrf_mesh_fwid_t | Available FWID | 10 | 1 | Firmware ID of the newest firmware available. |
nrf_mesh_fwid_t | Current FWID | 10 | 11 | Firmware ID of the current version of the outdated firmware. |
Opcode: 0xb3
Total length: 1 byte
Not implemented.
Openmesh New has no parameters.
Opcode: 0xb4
Total length: 1 byte
Not implemented.
Openmesh Update has no parameters.
Opcode: 0xb5
Total length: 1 byte
Not implemented.
Openmesh Conflicting has no parameters.
Opcode: 0xb6
Total length: 1 byte
Not implemented.
Openmesh TX has no parameters.
Opcode: 0xc0
Total length: 26 bytes
The node received an unprovisioned beacon. Requires scanning to be enabled with the Provisioning Scan Enable command.
Prov Unprovisioned Received Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
uint8_t[16] | UUID | 16 | 0 | UUID in the unprovisioned beacon. |
int8_t | Rssi | 1 | 16 | RSSI of the received unprovisioned beacon. |
uint8_t | Gatt Supported | 1 | 17 | Whether the unprovisioned device supports GATT provisioning. |
uint8_t | Adv Addr Type | 1 | 18 | The advertisement address type of the sender of the unprovisioned beacon. |
uint8_t[6] | Adv Addr | 6 | 19 | The advertisement address of the sender of the unprovisioned beacon. |
Opcode: 0xc1
Total length: 2 bytes
The given provisioning link has been established.
Prov Link Established Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
uint8_t | Context ID | 1 | 0 | Context ID of the established link. |
Opcode: 0xc2
Total length: 3 bytes
The given provisioning link has been closed. If received before a Provisioning Complete event, the link was closed because of an error.
Prov Link Closed Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
uint8_t | Context ID | 1 | 0 | Context ID of the closed link. |
uint8_t | Close Reason | 1 | 1 | Reason for closing the link. |
Opcode: 0xc3
Total length: 11 bytes
The device received provisioning capabilities on the provisioning link with the given context ID.
Prov Caps Received Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
uint8_t | Context ID | 1 | 0 | Context ID of the link the capabilities were received on. |
uint8_t | Num Elements | 1 | 1 | The number of elements on the unprovisoined device. |
uint8_t | Public Key Type | 1 | 2 | The public key type used for the provisioning session. |
uint8_t | Static OOB Types | 1 | 3 | The available static OOB authentication methods. |
uint8_t | Output OOB Size | 1 | 4 | Maximum size of the output OOB supported. |
uint16_t | Output OOB Actions | 2 | 5 | Available OOB output actions. |
uint8_t | Input OOB Size | 1 | 7 | Maximum size of the input OOB supported. |
uint16_t | Input OOB Actions | 2 | 8 | Available OOB input actions. |
Opcode: 0xc4
Total length: 3 bytes
The device received provisioning invite, so it can start identifying itself using any means it can.
Prov Invite Received Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
uint8_t | Context ID | 1 | 0 | Context ID of the provisioning link. |
uint8_t | Attention Duration S | 1 | 1 | Time in seconds during which the device will identify itself using any means it can. |
Opcode: 0xca
Total length: 2 bytes
The device received provisioning start meaning that the provisioning process has been started and will stop identifying itself.
Prov Start Received Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
uint8_t | Context ID | 1 | 0 | Context ID of the provisioning link. |
Opcode: 0xc5
Total length: 44 bytes
The provisioning process was successfully completed.
Prov Complete Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
uint8_t | Context ID | 1 | 0 | Context ID of the completed provisioning link. |
uint32_t | Iv Index | 4 | 1 | IV index for the network. |
uint16_t | Net Key Index | 2 | 5 | Network key index. |
uint16_t | Address | 2 | 7 | Unicast address for the device. |
uint8_t | Iv Update Flag | 1 | 9 | IV update in progress flag. |
uint8_t | Key Refresh Flag | 1 | 10 | Key refresh in progress flag. |
uint8_t[16] | Device Key | 16 | 11 | The device key of the provisioned device. |
uint8_t[16] | Net Key | 16 | 27 | The network key of the provisioned device. |
Opcode: 0xc6
Total length: 5 bytes
Static authentication data is required to continue. Use the Provisioning AuthData command to respond to this event.
Prov Auth Request Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
uint8_t | Context ID | 1 | 0 | Context ID of the link the authorization request appeared on. |
uint8_t | Method | 1 | 1 | Method of authentication requested. |
uint8_t | Action | 1 | 2 | Authentication action. |
uint8_t | Size | 1 | 3 | Authentication size. |
Opcode: 0xc7
Total length: 98 bytes
An ECDH shared secret must be calculated. Use the Provisioning ECDH Secret command to respond to this event.
Prov ECDH Request Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
uint8_t | Context ID | 1 | 0 | Context ID of the link the ECDH request appeared on. |
uint8_t[64] | Peer Public | 64 | 1 | ECDH public key. |
uint8_t[32] | Node Private | 32 | 65 | ECDH private key. |
Opcode: 0xc8
Total length: 3..19 bytes
The device is required to do an action the user can recognize and use for authentication.
Prov Output Request Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
uint8_t | Context ID | 1 | 0 | Context ID of the link the output request appeared on. |
uint8_t | Output Action | 1 | 1 | Output action requested. |
uint8_t[16] | Data | 0..16 | 2 | Data for the output request. |
Opcode: 0xc9
Total length: 3 bytes
The provisioning procedure failed.
Prov Failed Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
uint8_t | Context ID | 1 | 0 | Context ID of the link the error happened on. |
uint8_t | Error Code | 1 | 1 | Provisioning error code. |
Opcode: 0xd0
Total length: 20..255 bytes
The mesh framework received a message matching a registered local unicast address, with the given parameters and data.
Mesh Message Received Unicast Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
uint16_t | SRC | 2 | 0 | Source address of the received packet. |
uint16_t | DST | 2 | 2 | Destination unicast address or subscription handle. |
uint16_t | Appkey Handle | 2 | 4 | Handle of the application the message was received on. |
uint16_t | Subnet Handle | 2 | 6 | Handle of the subnetwork the message was received on. |
uint8_t | TTL | 1 | 8 | Packet time to live value when first received. |
uint8_t | Adv Addr Type | 1 | 9 | Advertisement address type of the last hop sender. |
uint8_t[6] | Adv Addr | 6 | 10 | Advertisement address of the last hop sender. |
int8_t | Rssi | 1 | 16 | RSSI value of the message when received. |
uint16_t | Actual Length | 2 | 17 | Length of the received message, may be larger than the data reported if SERIAL_EVT_MESH_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_DATA_MAXLEN is not big enough. |
uint8_t[235] | Data | 0..235 | 19 | Data payload of the packet. |
Opcode: 0xd1
Total length: 20..255 bytes
The mesh framework received a message matching one of the registered subscription addresses, with the given parameters and data.
Mesh Message Received Subscription Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
uint16_t | SRC | 2 | 0 | Source address of the received packet. |
uint16_t | DST | 2 | 2 | Destination unicast address or subscription handle. |
uint16_t | Appkey Handle | 2 | 4 | Handle of the application the message was received on. |
uint16_t | Subnet Handle | 2 | 6 | Handle of the subnetwork the message was received on. |
uint8_t | TTL | 1 | 8 | Packet time to live value when first received. |
uint8_t | Adv Addr Type | 1 | 9 | Advertisement address type of the last hop sender. |
uint8_t[6] | Adv Addr | 6 | 10 | Advertisement address of the last hop sender. |
int8_t | Rssi | 1 | 16 | RSSI value of the message when received. |
uint16_t | Actual Length | 2 | 17 | Length of the received message, may be larger than the data reported if SERIAL_EVT_MESH_MESSAGE_RECEIVED_DATA_MAXLEN is not big enough. |
uint8_t[235] | Data | 0..235 | 19 | Data payload of the packet. |
Opcode: 0xd2
Total length: 5 bytes
A radio packet TX has completed.
Mesh TX Complete Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
nrf_mesh_tx_token_t | Token | 4 | 0 | TX token for the completed packet. |
Opcode: 0xd3
Total length: 5 bytes
The IV update procedure has been triggered for the network with the given index.
Mesh IV Update Notification Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
uint32_t | Iv Index | 4 | 0 | IV index updated to. |
Opcode: 0xd4
Total length: 4 bytes
A network has entered a new phase in the key refresh procedure.
Mesh Key Refresh Notification Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
uint16_t | Netkey Index | 2 | 0 | Network key index of the network key being updated. |
uint8_t | Phase | 1 | 2 | Current key refresh phase for the network key being updated. |
Opcode: 0xd8
Total length: 7 bytes
A heartbeat message has been received. To control the heartbeat subscriptions of the device through the local Configuration Client, add any mesh device key through Device Key and bind the provided handle to the device Configuration Server through Config Server Bind. Use the provided device key handle to configure the device.
Mesh Heartbeat Received Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
uint8_t | Init TTL | 1 | 0 | Initial TTL value used for sending this heartbeat message. |
uint8_t | Hops | 1 | 1 | Number of hops equals: (Initial TTL - Received message TTL + 1). |
uint16_t | Features | 2 | 2 | State bitmap of the feature. See Heartbeat definitions to interpret bit fields. |
uint16_t | SRC | 2 | 4 | Source address for the received heartbeat message. |
Opcode: 0xd9
Total length: 8 bytes
The mesh config entry for the IV index has been set.
Mesh IV Entry Set Notification Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
uint32_t | Iv Index | 4 | 0 | The current IV index. |
uint8_t | Iv Update In Progress | 1 | 4 | Indicating the phase in the IV update process. |
uint16_t | Iv Update Timout Counter | 2 | 5 | Counter for the IV update process. |
Opcode: 0xda
Total length: 5 bytes
The mesh config entry for the next sequence number block has been set.
Mesh Seqnum Entry Set Notification Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
uint32_t | Next Block | 4 | 0 | The next unallocated sequence number block. |
Opcode: 0xd7
Total length: 1 byte
A Mesh transmission of a SAR packet failed.
Mesh SAR Failed has no parameters.
Opcode: 0xf0
Total length: 6..255 bytes
An event generated by one of the initialized models. Model ID and event type is provided by each event. Further model specific information is provided as part of the data field.
Model Specific Parameters:
Type | Name | Size | Offset | Description |
serial_evt_model_specific_header_t | Model Evt Info | 5 | 0 | Contains the model id the event generates from and the model specific event type. |
uint8_t[249] | Data | 0..249 | 5 | Additional data provided by the event |