38 #ifndef CONFIG_SERVER_EVENTS_H__ 39 #define CONFIG_SERVER_EVENTS_H__ 42 #include "device_state_manager.h" 44 #include "heartbeat.h" 45 #include "config_messages.h" 359 const heartbeat_publication_state_t * p_publication_state;
365 const heartbeat_subscription_state_t * p_subscription_state;
Application key data was requested.
Heartbeat publication parameters was set.
The publication paremeters for a given model was set.
uint8_t default_ttl
Default TTL value used for publishing messages.
dsm_handle_t address_handle
DSM address handle.
Config server event Subscription Add parameter structure.
uint8_t interval_steps
Number of interval steps between each re-transmission (10 ms/step).
dsm_handle_t appkey_handle
Application key handle.
config_net_beacon_state_t beacon_state
Current state of the secure network broadcast beacon.
uint16_t access_model_handle_t
Access layer handle type.
dsm_handle_t netkey_handle
New network key's handle.
Config server identity get parameter structure.
uint8_t retransmit_count
Number of re-transmissions per relayed message.
All subscriptions was deleted for the given model.
access_model_handle_t model_handle
Access model handle.
dsm_handle_t netkey_handle
Updated network key's handle.
access_model_handle_t model_handle
Access model handle.
Config server friend set parameter structure.
dsm_handle_t netkey_handle
Deleted network key's handle.
A network key was deleted.
All subscriptions was overwritten by a new subscription to a virtual address for the given model...
config_relay_state_t relay_state
The relay state.
access_model_handle_t model_handle
Access model handle.
Possible values for the GATT Proxy state.
Config server Model Application Unbind event parameter structure.
Possible values for the network beacon state.
Config server Network Transmit Set event parameter structure.
config_server_evt_type_t type
Type of event.
uint8_t page_number
Page-number for the composition data page to retrieve.
Config server Relay Set event parameter structure.
Config server GATT Proxy set event parameter structure.
Possible values for the Friend state.
Config server Beacon State event parameter structure.
A vendor model subscription list was requested.
config_gatt_proxy_state_t proxy_state
The desired state of the GATT proxy service.
A subscription was added to the given model.
Configuration server event structure.
The given model was unbound from an application key.
Config server key refresh get parameter structure.
A new network key was added.
Config server identity set parameter structure.
uint16_t lpn_address
The unicast address of the Low Power node.
access_model_handle_t model_handle
Access model handle.
dsm_handle_t subnet_handle
Dsm subnet handle.
Secure network beacon state was requested.
A subscription to a virtual address was removed from the given model.
dsm_handle_t appkey_handle
Application key handle.
Config server Appkey Update event parameter structure.
uint16_t dsm_handle_t
DSM handle type, used for the handles returned for the each set of data added.
Config server Network Key Update event parameter structure.
dsm_handle_t address_handle
DSM address handle.
Received an vendor model application get request.
Key refresh state was requested.
Publication to a virtual address for a given model was set.
Config server Heartbeat Subscription Set event parameter structure.
The given application key was deleted.
GATT proxy parameters was set (not supported).
The node was reset, i.e., all mesh state cleared.
access_model_handle_t model_handle
Access model handle.
All subscriptions was overwritten by a new subscription for the given model.
Config server low power node polltimeout get event parameter structure.
The Node Identity was set (not supported).
Core relay parameters was set.
Config server Appkey Delete event parameter structure.
Config server model app get parameter structure.
Recieved a low power node poll timeout request (not supported).
access_model_handle_t model_handle
Access model handle.
config_friend_state_t friend_state
Friendship state.
Config server publication get parameter structure.
Model publication parameters was requested.
A subscription to a virtual address was added to the given model.
access_model_handle_t model_handle
Access model handle.
All network key info was requested.
Received a network transmit get request.
access_model_handle_t model_handle
Access model handle.
A model subscription list was requested.
Key refresh phase was set.
config_msg_key_index_12_t netkey_index
Network key to report application keys for.
dsm_handle_t appkey_handle
Application key handle.
Config server Network Key Add event parameter structure.
access_model_handle_t model_handle
Access model handle.
void(* config_server_evt_cb_t)(const config_server_evt_t *p_evt)
Config server event callback type.
Config server composition data get parameter structure.
Default TTL value was requested.
uint8_t interval_steps
Number of interval steps between each re-transmission (10 ms/step).
A network key was updated.
Values for the relay state.
dsm_handle_t appkey_handle
Application key handle.
Heartbeat subscription parameters was set.
Key refresh phase.
GATT proxy state was requested (not supported).
Heartbeat publication parameters was requested.
Config server Subscription Delete event parameter structure.
dsm_handle_t appkey_handle
Application key handle.
Config server Subscription Overwrite event parameter structure.
config_msg_key_index_12_t netkey_index
Subnet index.
Config server model subscription get parameter structure.
Friendship parameters was requested (not supported).
Received a node identify get request (not supported).
config_msg_key_index_12_t netkey_index
Subnet index.
Config server Subscription Delete All event parameter structure.
Config server Key Refresh Phase Set event parameter structure.
Config server appkey get parameter structure.
uint8_t retransmit_count
Number of retransmissions for each network PDU.
Core network transmission parameters was set.
The given model was bound to a new application key.
dsm_handle_t subnet_handle
Dsm subnet handle.
access_model_handle_t model_handle
Access model handle.
dsm_handle_t address_handle
DSM address handle.
A new default TTL value was set.
Config server Model Publication Set event parameter structure.
Config server Appkey Add event parameter structure.
Secure network beacon parameters was set.
Friendship parameters was set (not supported).
Config server Default TTL Set event parameter structure.
Config server Model Application Bind event parameter structure.
Relay parameters was requested.
Config server Network Key delete event parameter structure.
Config server Heartbeat Publication Set event parameter structure.
A subscription was deleted from the given model.
Received an SIG model application get request.
Heartbeat subscription parameters was requested.
Composition data was requested.
uint16_t config_msg_key_index_12_t
12-bit key index type.
A new application key was added.
nrf_mesh_key_refresh_phase_t kr_phase
Current key refresh phase.
An existing application key was updated.