38 #ifndef ADV_PACKET_FILTER_H__ 39 #define ADV_PACKET_FILTER_H__ void bearer_adv_packet_filter_mode_set(adv_packet_filter_mode_t mode)
Set mode of the advertisement type filter.
void bearer_adv_packet_remove(ble_packet_type_t type)
Remove the advertisement type from the list of accepted advertisement types.
void bearer_adv_packet_filtering_set(bool onoff)
Enable or disable the advertisement type filtering.
uint32_t bearer_adv_packet_filtered_amount_get(void)
Read out amount filtered packets according the BLE advertisement type settings.
void bearer_adv_packet_clear(void)
Remove all set advertisement types from the list of accepted advertisement types. ...
void bearer_adv_packet_add(ble_packet_type_t type)
Add the advertisement type to the list of accepted advertisement types.
Possible working modes for BLE advertisement packet type filter.