nRF51 SDK - S120 SoftDevice
The BLE Multi-link Central application together with the BLE Multi-link Peripheral application tests the multi-link functionality of the S120 SoftDevice. The BLE Multi-link Example demonstrates how one central device can connect to multiple peripheral devices.
The source code and project file can be found in the following folders:
On startup, the peripheral devices will start advertising. Once connected to the central, pressing button 0 on the peripheral toggles the state of LED 0 on the peripheral and a corresponding LED on the central. When multiple peripherals are connected, each peripheral is assigned one LED by the central depending on the order in which the peripherals got connected. For example, LED 0 will be assigned to the peripheral that connects first. LED 1 will be assigned to the peripheral that connects second and so on.
The BLE multi-link example requires at least three boards to verify that more than one link is active. The central device can have a maximum of 8 concurrent connections to peripheral devices, which corresponds to 8 LEDs. Consequently, the BLE Multi-link Central application is designed for the nRFgo Motherboard (nRF6310). The BLE Multi-link Peripheral application is designed for the Evaluation Kit PCA10001.
Instructions on how to set up the nRFgo Motherboard: nRFgo Motherboard Setup (nRF6310).
LED assignments PCA10001 Peripheral:
Buttons assignments PCA10001 Peripheral:
LED assignments nRF6310 Central:
The central application can be easily ported to run on a PCA10001 evaluation board. The only changed needed would be adapt to the two LEDs on evaluation board. To do this, the preprocessor define BOARD_NRF6310 (available in Keil uVision IDE at Projects->Options for...->C/C++) should be changed to BOARD_PCA10001. Since the evaluation board has only two LEDs, it can visually identify only two links. If more than two links need to be supported, UART logging (for example) can be used instead of the LEDs.
Tested with one nRFgo Motherboard (nRF6310) and two evaluation kits (PCA10001).