.. zephyr:code-sample:: fs-format :name: Format filesystem :relevant-api: file_system_api Format different storage devices for different file systems. Overview *********** This sample shows how to format different storage devices for different file systems. There are 2 scenarios prepared for this sample: * littleFS on flash device * FAT file system on RAM disk Building and running ******************** To run this sample, build it for the desired board and scenario and flash it. The Flash scenario is supported on the nrf52dk/nrf52832 board. The RAM disk scenario is supported on the mimxrt1064_evk board. To build the RAM disk sample, the configuration `prj_ram.conf` needs to be used by setting `CONF_FILE=prj_ram.conf`. The Flash sample for the nrf 52DK board can be build as follow: .. zephyr-app-commands:: :zephyr-app: samples/subsys/fs/format :board: nrf52dk/nrf52832 :goals: build flash :compact: The RAM disk sample for the MIMXRT1064-EVK board can be build as follow: .. zephyr-app-commands:: :zephyr-app: samples/subsys/fs/format :board: mimxrt1064_evk :conf: "prj_ram.conf" :goals: build flash :compact: Sample Output ============= When the sample runs successfully you should see following message on the screen: .. code-block:: console I: LittleFS version 2.4, disk version 2.0 I: FS at flash-controller@4001e000:0x7a000 is 6 0x1000-byte blocks with 512 cycle I: sizes: rd 16 ; pr 16 ; ca 64 ; la 32 I: Format successful