.. _bmi270: BMI270: 6 axis inertial measurement unit ######################################## Description *********** This sample application configures the accelerometer and gyroscope to measure data at 100Hz. The result is written to the console. References ********** - BMI270: https://www.bosch-sensortec.com/products/motion-sensors/imus/bmi270.html Wiring ******* This sample uses the BMI270 sensor controlled using the I2C interface. Connect Supply: **VDD**, **VDDIO**, **GND** and Interface: **SDA**, **SCL**. The supply voltage can be in the 1.8V to 3.6V range. Depending on the baseboard used, the **SDA** and **SCL** lines require Pull-Up resistors. Building and Running ******************** This project outputs sensor data to the console. It requires a BMI270 sensor. It should work with any platform featuring a I2C peripheral interface. It does not work on QEMU. In this example below the :ref:`nrf52840dk_nrf52840` board is used. .. zephyr-app-commands:: :zephyr-app: samples/sensor/bmi270 :board: nrf52840dk/nrf52840 :goals: build flash Sample Output ============= .. code-block:: console Device 0x200014cc name is BMI270 AX: 0.268150; AY: 0.076614; AZ: 9.730035; GX: 0.001065; GY: -0.005326; GZ: -0.004261; AX: 0.229843; AY: 0.076614; AZ: 9.806650; GX: 0.000532; GY: -0.005592; GZ: -0.002929; AX: 0.229843; AY: 0.076614; AZ: 9.806650; GX: 0.000266; GY: -0.006125; GZ: -0.002663; AX: 0.306457; AY: 0.038307; AZ: 9.768342; GX: 0.001331; GY: -0.005326; GZ: -0.004793;