.. _semtech_sx1276mb1mas: Semtech SX1276MB1MAS LoRa Shield ################################ Overview ******** The Semtech SX1276MB1MAS LoRa shield is an Arduino compatible shield based on the SX1276 LoRa transceiver from Semtech. More information about the shield can be found at the `mbed SX1276MB1xAS website`_. Pins Assignment of the Semtech SX1276MB1MAS LoRa Shield ======================================================= +-----------------------+-----------------+ | Shield Connector Pin | Function | +=======================+=================+ | A0 | SX1276 RESET | +-----------------------+-----------------+ | A3 | SX1276 DIO4 (1) | +-----------------------+-----------------+ | A4 | Antenna RX/TX | +-----------------------+-----------------+ | D2 | SX1276 DIO0 | +-----------------------+-----------------+ | D3 | SX1276 DIO1 | +-----------------------+-----------------+ | D4 | SX1276 DIO2 | +-----------------------+-----------------+ | D5 | SX1276 DIO3 | +-----------------------+-----------------+ | D8 | SX1276 DIO4 (1) | +-----------------------+-----------------+ | D9 | SX1276 DIO5 | +-----------------------+-----------------+ | D10 | SX1276 SPI NSS | +-----------------------+-----------------+ | D11 | SX1276 SPI MOSI | +-----------------------+-----------------+ | D12 | SX1276 SPI MISO | +-----------------------+-----------------+ | D13 | SX1276 SPI SCK | +-----------------------+-----------------+ (1) SX1276 DIO4 is configured on D8 by default. It is possible to reconfigure it in devicetree to A3 if needed. Requirements ************ This shield can only be used with a board which provides a configuration for Arduino connectors and defines node aliases for SPI and GPIO interfaces (see :ref:`shields` for more details). Programming *********** Set ``-DSHIELD=semtech_sx1271mb1mas`` when you invoke ``west build``. For example: .. zephyr-app-commands:: :zephyr-app: samples/subsys/lorawan/class_a :board: nucleo_l073rz :shield: semtech_sx1276mb1mas :goals: build References ********** .. target-notes:: .. _mbed SX1276MB1xAS website: https://os.mbed.com/components/SX1276MB1xAS/