.. _nrf52dk_nrf52805: nRF52805 emulation on nRF52 DK ############################## Overview ******** The nrf52dk_nrf52805 board is a modified version of the :ref:`nrf52dk_nrf52832` that enforces the limitations imposed by the nRF52805 IC, which is a cost-reduced variant of the original nRF52832. Since Nordic does not offer a development kit for the nRF52805, you can use this board to develop for this IC while using the nRF52 Development Kit (PCA10040). See :ref:`nrf52dk_nrf52832` for more information about the development board and `nRF52805 website`_ for the official reference on the IC itself. References ********** .. target-notes:: .. _nRF52805 website: https://www.nordicsemi.com/Products/Low-power-short-range-wireless/nRF52805