
All the notable changes to this project are documented on this page.

nRF Connect SDK v2.2.0

All the notable changes added to the nRF Connect SDK v2.2.0 release are documented in this section.


  • Increased the synchronization procedure’s resilience to interference.

  • Improved the quality of access addresses used internally in the library.

  • Renamed access_address to rng_seed in nrf_dm_config_t.

  • nrf_dm_high_precision_calc() now handles out-of-memory errors by returning NaN.

nRF Connect SDK v2.1.0

All the notable changes added to the nRF Connect SDK v2.1.0 release are documented in this section.



nRF Connect SDK v2.0.0

All the notable changes added to the nRF Connect SDK v2.0.0 release are documented in this section.


  • Experimental support for the nRF5340 network core when using lib/nRF5340_CPUNET/soft_float/libnrf_dm.a

  • Experimental support for a reduced library for the nRF5340 application core when using lib/nRF5340_CPUAPP/hard_float/libnrf_dm_calc.a

  • Experimental support for nRF52832 when using lib/nRF52832/hard_float/libnrf_dm.a


  • Added a quality indicator per tone.

  • Reduced the memory usage in libnrf_dm.

  • Changed internal timings which makes this release incompatible with previous releases.

  • Changed the handling of the reports.

    nrf_dm_calc() and nrf_dm_high_precision_calc() now takes the report as an input. The report needs to be populated using nrf_dm_populate_report() before it can be used for nrf_dm_calc() and nrf_dm_high_precision_calc().

  • Removed distance offset compensation of fixed user-configurable offsets. This now needs to be done in the application.

Migration information

nRF Connect SDK v1.9.0

All the notable changes added to the nRF Connect SDK v1.9.0 release are documented in this section.


Initial release

  • Added experimental support for nRF52840:

    • lib/nRF52840/hard_float/libnrf_dm.a

  • Added experimental support for nRF52833:

    • lib/nRF52833/hard_float/libnrf_dm.a