.. _wifi_zephyr_samples: Wi-Fi: Zephyr networking samples ################################ .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 In addition to |NCS| samples, it is possible to run selected networking samples with Wi-Fi®, provided and maintained as part of the upstream Zephyr project. The following list specifies samples that are currently supported with the Wi-Fi driver: * :zephyr:code-sample:`dhcpv4-client` * :zephyr:code-sample:`dns-resolve` * :zephyr:code-sample:`ipv4-autoconf` * :zephyr:code-sample:`mdns-responder` * :zephyr:code-sample:`mqtt-publisher` * :zephyr:code-sample:`mqtt-sn-publisher` * :zephyr:code-sample:`coap-client` * :zephyr:code-sample:`coap-server` * :zephyr:code-sample:`sockets-echo` * :zephyr:code-sample:`async-sockets-echo` * :zephyr:code-sample:`sockets-echo-client` * :zephyr:code-sample:`sockets-echo-server` * :zephyr:code-sample:`sockets-http-get` * :zephyr:code-sample:`sntp-client` * :zephyr:code-sample:`syslog-net` * :zephyr:code-sample:`telnet-console` Configuration ************* |config| Before you build a sample, you must configure the following Wi-Fi credentials in the :file:`overlay-nrf700x.conf` file: * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_WIFI_CREDENTIALS_STATIC_SSID` - Network name (SSID) * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_WIFI_CREDENTIALS_STATIC_PASSWORD` - Password * :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_WIFI_CREDENTIALS_STATIC_TYPE` - Security type (Optional) .. note:: You can also use ``menuconfig`` to configure Wi-Fi credentials. See :ref:`zephyr:menuconfig` in the Zephyr documentation for instructions on how to run ``menuconfig``. Building and running ******************** To build the sample with |VSC|, follow the steps listed on the `How to build an application`_ page in the |nRFVSC| documentation. See :ref:`building` for other building scenarios, :ref:`programming` for programming steps, and :ref:`testing` for general information about testing and debugging in the |NCS|. An overlay file, ``overlay-nrf700x.conf`` is provided to all Zephyr samples, which configures the sample to run with the Wi-Fi driver. To build Zephyr samples for the nRF7002 DK, use the ``nrf7002dk/nrf5340/cpuapp`` build target. The following is an example of the CLI command: .. code-block:: console west build -b nrf7002dk/nrf5340/cpuapp -- -DEXTRA_CONF_FILE=overlay-nrf700x.conf To build for the nRF7002 EK with nRF5340 DK, use the ``nrf5340dk/nrf5340/cpuapp`` build target with the ``SHIELD`` CMake option set to ``nrf7002ek``. The following is an example of the CLI command: .. code-block:: console west build -b nrf5340dk/nrf5340/cpuapp -- -DSHIELD=nrf7002ek -DEXTRA_CONF_FILE=overlay-nrf700x.conf For additional details about running a sample, refer to the respective sample in Zephyr’s Samples and Demos documentation.