.. _wifi_shell_sample: Wi-Fi: Shell ############ .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 The Shell sample allows you to test Nordic Semiconductor's Wi-Fi® chipsets. Requirements ************ The sample supports the following development kits: .. table-from-sample-yaml:: Overview ******** The sample can perform all Wi-Fi operations in the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands depending on the capabilities supported in the underlying chipset. Using this sample, the development kit can associate with, and ping to, any Wi-Fi capable access point in :abbr:`STA (Station)` mode. Building and running ******************** .. |sample path| replace:: :file:`samples/wifi/shell` .. include:: /includes/build_and_run_ns.txt Currently, the following configurations are supported: * nRF7002 DK + QSPI * nRF7002 EK + SPIM * nRF91 Series DK + SPIM To build for the nRF7002 DK, use the ``nrf7002dk/nrf5340/cpuapp`` build target. The following is an example of the CLI command: .. code-block:: console west build -b nrf7002dk/nrf5340/cpuapp To build for the nRF7002 EK with nRF5340 DK, use the ``nrf5340dk/nrf5340/cpuapp`` build target with the ``SHIELD`` CMake option set to ``nrf7002ek``. The following is an example of the CLI command: .. code-block:: console west build -b nrf5340dk/nrf5340/cpuapp -- -DSHIELD=nrf7002ek To build with ``raw_tx`` shell support for the nRF7002 DK, use the ``nrf7002dk/nrf5340/cpuapp`` build target and raw TX overlay configuration. The following is an example of the CLI command: .. code-block:: console west build -b nrf7002dk/nrf5340/cpuapp -- -DEXTRA_CONF_FILE=overlay-raw-tx.conf .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: nRF9161 DK To build for the nRF9161 DK, use the ``nrf9161dk/nrf9161/ns`` build target with the ``SHIELD`` CMake option set to ``nrf7002ek`` and a scan-only overlay configuration. The following is an example of the CLI command: .. code-block:: console west build -p -b nrf9161dk/nrf9161/ns -- -DEXTRA_CONF_FILE=overlay-scan-only.conf -DSHIELD=nrf7002ek .. group-tab:: nRF9160 DK To build for the nRF9160 DK, use the ``nrf9160dk/nrf9160/ns`` build target with the ``SHIELD`` CMake option set to ``nrf7002ek`` and a scan-only overlay configuration. The following is an example of the CLI command: .. code-block:: console west build -b nrf9160dk/nrf9160/ns -- -DEXTRA_CONF_FILE=overlay-scan-only.conf -DSHIELD=nrf7002ek See also :ref:`cmake_options` for instructions on how to provide CMake options. Supported CLI commands ====================== ``wifi`` is the Wi-Fi command line and supports the following UART CLI subcommands: .. list-table:: Wi-Fi shell subcommands :header-rows: 1 * - Subcommands - Description * - scan - | Scan for Wi-Fi APs | OPTIONAL PARAMETERS: | [-t, --type ] : Preferred mode of scan. The actual mode | of scan can depend on factors such as the Wi-Fi chip implementation, | regulatory domain restrictions. Default type is active. | [-b, --bands ] : Bands to be | scanned where 2: 2.4 GHz, 5: 5 GHz, 6: 6 GHz. | [-a, --dwell_time_active ] : Active scan dwell time (in ms) on | a channel. Range 5 ms to 1000 ms. | [-p, --dwell_time_passive ] : Passive scan dwell time (in ms) | on a channel. Range 10 ms to 1000 ms. | [-s, --ssids ] : SSID list to scan for. | [-m, --max_bss ] : Maximum BSSes to scan for. Range 1 - 65535. | [-c, --chans ] : Channels to be | scanned. The channels must be specified in the form | band1:chan1,chan2_band2:chan3,..etc. band1, band2 must be valid band | values and chan1, chan2, chan3 must be specified as a list of comma | separated values where each value is either a single channel or a channel | range specified as chan_start-chan_end. Each band channel set has to be | separated by a _. For example, a valid channel specification can be | 2:1,6-11,14_5:36,149-165,44 | [-h, --help] : Print out the help for the scan command. * - connect - | Connect to a Wi-Fi AP | <-s --ssid \"\">: SSID. | [-c --channel]: Channel that needs to be scanned for connection. 0:any channel | [-b, --band] 0: any band (2:2.4GHz, 5:5GHz, 6:6GHz) | [-p, --psk]: Passphrase (valid only for secure SSIDs) | [-k, --key-mgmt]: Key management type. | 0:None, 1:WPA2-PSK, 2:WPA2-PSK-256, 3:SAE, 4:WAPI, 5:EAP, 6:WEP, | 7:WPA-PSK, 8: WPA-Auto-Personal | [-w, --ieee-80211w]: MFP (optional: needs security type to be specified) | : 0:Disable, 1:Optional, 2:Required. | [-m, --bssid]: MAC address of the AP (BSSID). | [-h, --help]: Print out the help for the connect command. * - disconnect - Disconnect from the Wi-Fi AP * - status - Status of the Wi-Fi interface * - statistics - Wi-Fi interface statistics * - ap - | Access Point mode commands | enable - Enable Access Point mode, with the following parameters: | | | [optional] | [optional] | | disable - Disable Access Point mode | (Note that the Access Point mode is presently not supported.) | | stations : List stations connected to the AP | | disconnect - Disconnect a station from the AP | * - ps - | Configure power save | No argument - Prints current configuration | on - Turns on power save feature | off - Turns off power save feature * - ps_mode - | Configure Wi-Fi power save mode | 0 - Legacy | 1 - WMM * - twt - | Manage Target Wake Time (TWT) flows with below subcommands: | | quick_setup : Start a TWT flow with defaults: | . | | setup : Start a TWT flow: | | | . | | teardown : Teardown a TWT flow: | | | . | | teardown_all : Teardown all TWT flows. * - reg_domain - | Set or get Wi-Fi regulatory domain | | Usage: wifi reg_domain [ISO/IEC 3166-1 alpha2] [-f] | | -f: Force to use this regulatory hint over any other regulatory hints. | (Note that this may cause regulatory compliance issues.) * - ps_timeout - | Configure Wi-Fi power save inactivity timer (in ms) * - ps_listen_interval - | Configure Wi-Fi power save for the Listen interval | <0-65535> * - ps_wakeup_mode - | Configure Wi-Fi power save for wakeup mode | dtim - Wakeup mode for the DTIM interval | listen_interval - Wakeup mode for the Listen interval * - mode - | This command may be used to set the Wi-Fi device into a specific mode of operation | parameters: | [-i : --if-index ] : Interface index. | [-s : --sta] : Station mode. | [-m : --monitor] : Monitor mode. | [-p : --promiscuous] : Promiscuous mode. | [-t : --tx-injection] : TX-Injection mode. | [-a : --ap] : AP mode. | [-k : --softap] : Softap mode. | [-h : --help] : Help. | [-g : --get] : Get current mode for a specific interface index | Usage: Get operation example for interface index 1 | wifi mode -g -i1 | Set operation example for interface index 1 - set station+promiscuous | wifi mode -i1 -sp * - packet_filter - | This command is used to set packet filter setting when | monitor, TX-Injection and promiscuous mode is enabled | The different packet filter modes are control, | management, data and enable all filters | [-i, --if-index ] : Interface index | [-a, --all] : Enable all packet filter modes | [-m, --mgmt] : Enable management packets to allowed up | the stack | [-c, --ctrl] : Enable control packets to be allowed up | the stack | [-d, --data] : Enable Data packets to be allowed up the | stack | [-g, --get] : Get current filter settings for a specific | interface index | [-b, --capture-len ] : Capture length buffer size | for each packet to be captured | [-h, --help] : Help | Usage: Get operation example for interface index 1 | wifi packet_filter -g -i1 | Set operation example for interface index 1 - set | data+management frame filter | wifi packet_filter -i1 -md * - channel - | This command is used to set the channel when monitor or TX-Injection mode is enabled | Currently 20 MHz is only supported and no BW parameter is provided | parameters: | [-i : --if-index ] : Interface index. | [-c : --channel] : Set a specific channel number to the lower layer. | [-g : --get] : Get current set channel number from the lower layer. | [-h : --help] : Help. | Usage: Get operation example for interface index 1 | wifi channel -i1 -g | Set operation example for interface index 1 (setting channel 5) | wifi -i1 -c5 ``wifi_cred`` is an extension to the Wi-Fi command line. It adds the following subcommands to interact with the :ref:`lib_wifi_credentials` library: .. list-table:: Wi-Fi credentials shell subcommands :header-rows: 1 * - Subcommands - Description * - add - | Add a network to the credentials storage with following parameters: | | (optional: valid only for secured SSIDs) | (optional) | (optional: 2.4GHz, 5GHz) | favorite (optional, makes the network higher priority in automatic connection) * - delete - Removes network from credentials storage. * - list - Lists networks in credential storage. * - auto_connect - Automatically connects to any stored network. ``raw_tx`` is an extension to the Wi-Fi command line. It adds the following subcommands to configure and send raw TX packets: .. list-table:: raw TX shell subcommands :header-rows: 1 * - Subcommands - Description - Valid values * - mode - | Enable or Disable TX injection mode | [-h, --help]: Print out the help for the mode command - | Valid values: | 1 - Enable | 0 - Disable * - configure - | Configure the raw TX packet header with the following parameters: | [-f, --rate-flags]: Rate flag value | [-d, --data-rate]: Data rate value | [-q, --queue-number]: Queue number | [-h, --help]: Print out the help for the configure command - | Valid Rate flag values: | 0 - Legacy | 1 - HT mode | 2 - VHT mode | 3 - HE (SU) mode | 4 - HE (ERSU) mode | | Valid Data rate values: | Legacy: 1, 2, 55, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 | Non-Legacy: MCS index need to be used (0 - 7) | | Valid Queue numbers: | 0 - Background | 1 - Best effort | 2 - Video | 3 - Voice | 4 - Beacon * - send - | Send raw TX packets | parameters: | [-m, --mode]: Mode of transmission (either continuous or fixed) | [-n, --number-of-pkts]: Number of packets to be transmitted | [-t, --inter-frame-delay]: Delay between frames or packets in milliseconds | [-h, --help]: Print out the help for the send command - | N/A For more information, see :ref:`ug_nrf70_developing_raw_ieee_80211_packet_transmission`. ``promiscuous_set`` is an extension to the Wi-Fi command line. It adds the following subcommand to configure Promiscuous mode: .. list-table:: Promiscuous mode shell subcommand :header-rows: 1 * - Subcommand - Description - Valid values * - mode - | Enable or Disable Promiscuous mode | [-h, --help]: Print out the help for the mode command - | Valid values: | 1 - Enable | 0 - Disable For more information, see :ref:`ug_nrf70_developing_promiscuous_packet_reception`. Testing STA mode ================ |test_sample| #. |connect_kit| #. |connect_terminal| #. Scan for the Wi-Fi networks in range using the following command: .. code-block:: console wifi scan The output should be similar to the following: .. code-block:: console Scan requested Num | SSID (len) | Chan (Band) | RSSI | Security | BSSID 1 | xyza 4 | 1 (2.4GHz) | -27 | WPA2-PSK | xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx 2 | abcd 4 | 149 (5GHz ) | -28 | WPA2-PSK | yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy #. Connect to your preferred network using the following command: .. code-block:: console wifi connect -s -k -p ```` is the SSID of the network you want to connect to, ```` is its passphrase, and the ```` is the security type used by the network. #. Check the connection status after a while, using the following command: .. code-block:: console wifi status If the connection is established, you should see an output similar to the following: .. code-block:: console Status: successful ================== State: COMPLETED Interface Mode: STATION Link Mode: WIFI 6 (802.11ax/HE) SSID: OpenWrt BSSID: C0:06:C3:1D:CF:9E Band: 5GHz Channel: 157 Security: WPA2-PSK PMF: Optional RSSI: 0 #. Initiate a ping and verify data connectivity using the following commands: .. code-block:: console net dns net ping See the following example: .. code-block:: console net dns google.com Query for 'google.com' sent. dns: dns: All results received net ping 10 PING 28 bytes from to icmp_seq=0 ttl=113 time=191 ms 28 bytes from to icmp_seq=1 ttl=113 time=190 ms 28 bytes from to icmp_seq=2 ttl=113 time=190 ms Testing SAP mode ================ To test the SAP mode, the sample must be built using the configuration overlay :file:`overlay-sap.conf` file. |test_sample| #. |connect_kit| #. |connect_terminal| #. Set the appropriate regulatory domain using the following command: .. code-block:: console wifi reg_domain For example, to set the regulatory domain to IN, use the following command: .. code-block:: console wifi reg_domain IN #. Set an IP address for the SAP interface using the following command: .. code-block:: console net ipv4 add 1 #. Enable the Access Point mode using the following command: .. code-block:: console wifi ap enable -s -c -k -p ```` is the SSID of the network you want to connect to, ```` is its passphrase, and the ```` is the security type used by the network. #. Check the SAP status after a while, using the following command: .. code-block:: console wifi status If the SAP is established, you should see an output similar to the following: .. code-block:: console Status: successful ================== State: COMPLETED Interface Mode: ACCESS POINT Link Mode: UNKNOWN SSID: testing BSSID: F4:CE:36:00:22:C6 Band: 2.4GHz Channel: 1 Security: OPEN MFP: Disable Beacon Interval: 0 DTIM: 2 TWT: Not supported #. Connect a station to the SAP using a static IP address and verify the connection using the following command: .. code-block:: console wifi ap stations If the station is connected, you should see an output similar to the following: .. code-block:: console AP stations: ============ Station 1: ========== MAC: 62:26:54:D9:1C:6E Link mode: WIFI 4 (802.11n/HT) TWT: Not supported #. Verify connectivity by pinging the Station from the SAP using the following command: .. code-block:: console net ping See the following example: .. code-block:: console net ping PING 28 bytes from to icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=5 ms 28 bytes from to icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=5 ms 28 bytes from to icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=5 ms #. Disable the Access Point mode using the following command: .. code-block:: console wifi ap disable Dependencies ************ This sample uses the following library: * :ref:`nrf_security` This sample also uses modules found in the following locations in the |NCS| folder structure: * :file:`modules/lib/hostap` * :file:`modules/mbedtls`