.. _gzp_dynamic_pairing_device: Gazell Dynamic Pairing Device ############################# This sample shows the Device role for the functionality of the :ref:`gzp` subsystem. As a single sample, the Device only sends packets and receives acknowledgements from the Host with a 1-byte payload. Follow the instructions and use the files from this page, and the :ref:`gzp_dynamic_pairing_host` sample. .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 Requirements ************ .. note:: Follow the steps from and include the :ref:`gzp_dynamic_pairing_host` sample with this sample. .. include:: ../../../../../../../samples/gazell/gzp_dynamic_pairing_host/README.rst :start-after: gzp_dynamic_pairing_requirements_start :end-before: gzp_dynamic_pairing_dependencies_end