.. _releases_and_maturity: Releases and maturity ##################### The |NCS| receives regular releases, which introduce new components or fix issues in existing features. Every release consists of a combination of all included repositories at different revisions. The versioning scheme adopted is similar to `Semantic versioning`_, but with important semantic differences: * Every release of the |NCS| is identified with a version string in the ``MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH`` format. * Between two releases, ``99`` is added in place of ``PATCH`` to indicate ongoing development. * When a new functionality is introduced in the development state, ``devN`` postfix can be added at the end of the version number. To learn more about the versioning and the release criteria of the |NCS|, read :ref:`dm-revisions`. Each new release comes with its own :ref:`release_notes` and can also change the :ref:`software_maturity` of the existing components. If an issue is found in a release after it has taken place, those issues are listed on the :ref:`known_issues` page. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Subpages: releases_and_maturity/release_notes releases_and_maturity/migration_guides releases_and_maturity/repository_revisions releases_and_maturity/software_maturity releases_and_maturity/known_issues