.. _ug_matter_gs_ecosystem_compatibility_testing: Testing with commercial Matter ecosystems ######################################### .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 Nordic Semiconductor's Matter platform and Matter applications integrated in the |NCS| follow the most recent versions of the Matter protocol and are interoperable with several commercial Matter ecosystems. Matter allows multiple ecosystems to work with each other thanks to the :ref:`multiple fabrics feature `. It also lets you use different wireless protocols for different use cases at the same time (for example, Thread or Wi-Fi). You can test the interoperability of the Matter solution in the |NCS| with a selection of compatible Matter ecosystems by following the `Testing the nRF Connect platform with Apple, Google and Samsung ecosystems`_ tutorial on DevZone. Prerequisites ************* At the very least, you need the following pieces of hardware to set up and test the interoperability scenario from the tutorial: * Matter over Thread development kit: 1x nRF52840 DK, 1x nRF5340 DK, or 1x nRF54L15 PDK * Matter over Wi-Fi development kit: 1x nRF7002 DK * Devices from at least one of commercial ecosystems compatible with the official Matter implementation, for example: * `Apple Home `_ * `Google Home `_ * `Samsung SmartThings `_ * `Amazon Alexa `_ * 1x Wi-Fi Access Point supporting IPv6 connected to the Internet (for example, Asus RT-AC1300G, as used in the tutorial) * 1x PC with nRF Connect SDK v2.2.0 (or later) installed Setup and testing ***************** Follow the steps in the `Testing the nRF Connect platform with Apple, Google and Samsung ecosystems`_ tutorial for detailed setup and testing instructions. This will allow you to set up and test the following scenario with Apple Home, Google Home, and Samsung SmartThings. .. figure:: ../../../../../../nrf/protocols/matter/getting_started/images/matter_ecosystem_compatibility.png :alt: Example of Matter ecosystem compatibility from the DevZone tutorial Example of Matter ecosystem compatibility from the DevZone tutorial