.. _nfc_t4t_ndef_file_readme: NDEF file ######### .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 The NDEF file stores the length and content of the NDEF message. Use this library to encode standardized data for the NFC Type 4 Tag. To generate an NDEF message, you can use the :ref:`nfc_ndef_msg` and :ref:`nfc_ndef_record` modules. The following code sample demonstrates how to encode the NDEF file for NFC Type 4 Tag: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../../../../samples/nfc/writable_ndef_msg/src/ndef_file_m.c :language: c :start-after: include_startingpoint_ndef_file_rst :end-before: include_endpoint_ndef_file_rst API documentation ***************** | Header file: :file:`include/nfc/t4t/ndef_file.h` | Source file: :file:`subsys/nfc/t4t/ndef_file.c` .. _nfc_t4t_ndef_file: .. doxygengroup:: nfc_t4t_ndef_file :project: nrf :members: