.. _nfc_t4t_cc_file_readme: Parser for CC files ################### .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 To detect and access :ref:`NDEF ` data, the NFC reader uses the capability container (CC) file that is contained inside the NDEF tag application. The CC file is a read-only file that contains management data for the Type 4 Tag platform, for example, information about the implemented specification and other capability parameters of the tag. The file identifier of the CC file is E103h. This library provides functions to parse raw CC file data to its descriptor structure. In this way, you can use it to print out the tag content. CC file content *************** The parser outputs the following data: =================================== ====================================== Field name Description =================================== ====================================== CCLEN Size of the CC file. Mapping Version Tag 4 Tag version number. MLe Maximum R-APDU data size. MLc Maximum C-APDU data size. Extended NDEF/NDEF File Control TLV Management data for NDEF file with its payload. TLV Block (see below) =================================== ====================================== Certain types of TLV blocks are supported by Type 4 Tag: ============================== =============== ================== TLV Block name Tag field value Length field value ============================== =============== ================== NDEF File Control TLV 04h 06h Proprietary File Control TLV 05h 06h Extended NDEF File Control TLV 06h 08h ============================== =============== ================== More detailed information about each TLV block inside Type 4 Tag is also printed out: ====================== ======================================== Field name Description ====================== ======================================== File identifier Used for the Select procedure. Maximum file size Maximum capacity of the file (in bytes). Read access condition Read access level of the file. Write access condition Write access level of the file. ====================== ======================================== Optionally, the content of the file that is described by the TLV block can also be printed out. However, to do so, you must call an additional function that binds the TLV structure with the described file content. API documentation ***************** | Header file: :file:`include/nfc/t4t/cc_file.h` | Source file: :file:`subsys/nfc/t4t/cc_file.c` .. doxygengroup:: nfc_t4t_cc_file :project: nrf :members: