.. _nfc_ndef_le_oob_rec_parser_readme: Parser for Bluetooth LE OOB records ################################### .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 This library provides a parser for Bluetooth® LE OOB records that can be used to decode NDEF records generated by the :ref:`nfc_ndef_le_oob` library. The output of this library is a descriptor with the same content as the one that would be used to encode the data with the :ref:`nfc_ndef_le_oob` library. This library should be used together with the :ref:`nfc_ndef_parser_readme` in the following way: 1. Obtain the NDEF message descriptor by parsing raw NDEF message data with the :ref:`nfc_ndef_parser_readme`. #. Search for LE OOB NDEF records inside the NDEF message descriptor. #. If there are any such NDEF records, use this library to parse them and print their content. The following code sample demonstrates how to use this module: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../../../../samples/nfc/tag_reader/src/main.c :language: c :start-after: include_startingpoint_le_oob_rec_parser_rst :end-before: include_endpoint_le_oob_rec_parser_rst This library is used in the :ref:`nfc_tag_reader` sample. API documentation ***************** | Header file: :file:`include/nfc/ndef/le_oob_rec_parser.h` | Source file: :file:`subsys/nfc/ndef/le_oob_rec_parser.c` .. _nfc_ndef_le_oob_rec_parser: .. doxygengroup:: nfc_ndef_le_oob_rec_parser :project: nrf :members: