.. _at_params_readme: AT parameters ############# .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 The AT parameters module provides functionality to store lists of AT command or respond parameters. These lists can be used by other modules to write and read parameter values. .. tip:: The primary intention of this module is to be used for AT command or respond parameters, but this is no requirement. You can use this module to store other kinds of parameters, as long as they consist of numeric or string values. A parameter list contains an array of parameters defined by a type and a value. The size of the parameter list is static and cannot be changed after it has been initialized, but the list can be freed, and a new list with different size can be created. Each parameter in a list can be overwritten by writing a new parameter to an already used index in the list. When setting a parameter in the list, its value is copied. Parameters should be cleared to free the memory that they occupy. Getter and setter methods are available to read parameter values. API documentation ***************** | Header file: :file:`include/modem/at_params.h` | Source file: :file:`lib/at_cmd_parser/src/at_params.c` .. doxygengroup:: at_params :project: nrf :members: