.. _nrf_desktop_cpu_meas: CPU measurement module ###################### .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 Use the CPU measurement module to monitor CPU load. Module events ************* .. include:: ../../../../../../../applications/nrf_desktop/doc/event_propagation.rst :start-after: table_cpu_meas_start :end-before: table_cpu_meas_end .. note:: |nrf_desktop_module_event_note| Configuration ************* Enable the module using the :ref:`CONFIG_DESKTOP_CPU_MEAS_ENABLE ` option. This Kconfig option selects the :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_CPU_LOAD` option. The :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_CPU_LOAD` option enables :ref:`cpu_load`, that is used to perform the measurements. Set the time between subsequent CPU load measurements, in milliseconds, using the :ref:`CONFIG_DESKTOP_CPU_MEAS_PERIOD ` option. Implementation details ********************** The module periodically submits the measured CPU load as :c:struct:`cpu_load_event` and resets the measurement. The event can be displayed in the logs or using the :ref:`nrf_profiler`. The :c:member:`cpu_load_event.load` presents the CPU load in 0.001% units.