.. _nrf53_audio_app_dk_legal: .. _nrf53_audio_feature_support: nRF5340 Audio feature support and QDIDs ####################################### .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 The following table lists features of the nRF5340 Audio application and their respective limitations and maturity level. For an explanation of the maturity levels, see :ref:`Software maturity levels `. .. note:: Features not listed are not supported. .. include:: /releases_and_maturity/software_maturity.rst :start-after: software_maturity_application_nrf5340audio_table: :end-before: software_maturity_protocol nRF5340 Audio QDIDs ******************* The following QDIDs are related to the nRF5340 Audio application: .. ncs-include:: lc3/README.rst :docset: nrfxlib :start-after: lc3_qdid_start :end-before: lc3_qdid_end