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BLE S110 GAP Events


Event packet encoding

Frame format encoding of the BLE_GAP_EVT_CONNECTED packet.

Event ID = 0x10 for BLE_GAP_EVT_CONNECTED.

All BLE Events, ble_evt_t, are encoded with the header ble_evt_hdr_t first, containing only the 'Event ID', followed by the event. The 'Event Length' will not be encoded as the size of the event could be of different sizes depending on decoder architecture.

The BLE GAP event contains a connection handle, and for the BLE GAP Connected event, the ble_gap_evt_connected_t is encoded after connection handle as seen in Figure 1.

The order of the encoding is:

Length Parameter Value
2 bytes Connection Handle see ble_gap_evt_t::conn_handle
7 bytes Peer Address: ble_gap_addr_t (See Figure 2 for details on encoding)
1 byte Bitfields:
- IRK Index: 7 bits,
- IRK Match: 1 bit
(See Figure 3 for details on encoding)
8 bytes GAP Connection Parameters: ble_gap_conn_params_t (See Figure 4 for details on encoding)

Encoding of BLE GAP Event - Connected

Figure 1: Encoding of BLE GAP Connected event.

Encoding of Peer Address

Figure 2: Encoding of peer address inside the BLE GAP Connected event.

Encoding of IRK byte

Figure 3: Encoding of IRK byte inside BLE GAP Connected event.

Encoding of GAP Connection Parameters

Figure 4: Encoding of GAP Connection Parameters inside the BLE GAP Connected event.


Event packet encoding

Frame format encoding of the BLE_GAP_EVT_DISCONNECTED packet.


All BLE Events, ble_evt_t, are encoded with the header ble_evt_hdr_t first, containing only the 'Event ID', followed by the event. The 'Event Length' will not be encoded as the size of the event could be of different sizes depending on decoder architecture.

The BLE GAP event contains a connection handle, and for the BLE GAP Disconnected event, the ble_gap_evt_disconnected_t is encoded after connection handle as seen in Figure 1.

The order of the encoding is:

Length Parameter Value
2 bytes Connection Handle see ble_gap_evt_t::conn_handle
1 byte Reason see ble_gap_evt_disconnected_t::reason

Encoding of BLE GAP Disconnected event

Figure 1: Encoding of BLE GAP Disconnected event.


Event packet encoding

Frame format encoding of the BLE_GAP_EVT_CONN_PARAM_UPDATE packet.


All BLE Events, ble_evt_t, are encoded with the header ble_evt_hdr_t first, containing only the 'Event ID', followed by the event. The 'Event Length' will not be encoded as the size of the event could be of different sizes depending on decoder architecture.

The BLE GAP event contains a connection handle, and for the BLE GAP Connect Parameter Update event, the ble_gap_evt_conn_param_update_t is encoded after connection handle as seen in Figure 1.

The order of the encoding is:

Length Parameter Value
2 bytes Connection Handle see ble_gap_evt_t::conn_handle
8 bytes GAP Connection Parameters ble_gap_conn_params_t (See Figure 1 for details on encoding)

Encoding of GAP Connection Parameter Update event

Figure 1: Encoding of GAP Connection Parameter Update event.


Event packet encoding

Frame format encoding of the BLE_GAP_EVT_SEC_PARAMS_REQUEST packet.


All BLE Events, ble_evt_t, are encoded with the header ble_evt_hdr_t first, containing only the 'Event ID', followed by the event. The 'Event Length' will not be encoded as the size of the event could be of different sizes depending on decoder architecture.

The BLE GAP event contains a connection handle, and for the BLE GAP Security Parameters Request event, the ble_gap_evt_sec_params_request_t is encoded after connection handle as seen in Figure 1.

The Bond, MITM, IO Capabilities and OOB fields are all bitfields inside 1 byte as seen in Figure 2.

The order of the encoding is:

Length Parameter Value
2 bytes Connection Handle see ble_gap_evt_t::conn_handle
2 bytes Timeout see ble_gap_sec_params_t::timeout
1 byte Bitfields:
- Bond: 1 bit,
- MITM: 1 bit,
- IO Capabilities: 3 bits,
- OOB: 1 bit
(See Figure 2 for details on encoding)
1 byte Minimum Keysize see ble_gap_sec_params_t::min_key_size
1 byte Maximum Keysize see ble_gap_sec_params_t::max_key_size

Encoding of GAP Security Parameters Request event

Figure 1: Encoding of GAP Security Parameters Request event.

Encoding of Bond, MITM, IO Caps and OOB

Figure 2: Encoding of Bond, MITM, IO Caps and OOB inside a GAP Security Parameters Request event.


Event packet encoding

Frame format encoding of the BLE_GAP_EVT_SEC_INFO_REQUEST packet.


All BLE Events, ble_evt_t, are encoded with the header ble_evt_hdr_t first, containing only the 'Event ID', followed by the event. The 'Event Length' will not be encoded as the size of the event could be of different sizes depending on decoder architecture.

The BLE GAP event contains a connection handle, and for the BLE GAP Security Info Request event, the ble_gap_evt_sec_info_request_t is encoded after connection handle as seen in Figure 1.

The "Encryption info present", "Identity info present", and "Signing info present" flags are all bitfields inside 1 byte as seen in Figure 2.

The order of the encoding is:

Length Parameter Value
2 bytes Connection Handle see ble_gap_evt_t::conn_handle
1 byte Address Type see ble_gap_addr_t::addr_type
6 bytes Address see ble_gap_addr_t::addr
2 bytes Encryption Diversifier see ble_gap_evt_sec_info_request_t::div
1 byte Bitfields:
- Encryption info: 1 bit,
- Identity info: 1 bit,
- Signing info: 1 bit
(See Figure 2 for details on encoding)

Encoding of GAP Connection Security Updated event

Figure 1: Encoding of GAP Security Info Request event.

Encoding of Security mode and Level

Figure 2: Encoding of Encryption info, Identity info, and Signing info inside a GAP Security Info Request event.


Event packet encoding

Frame format encoding of the BLE_GAP_EVT_PASSKEY_DISPLAY packet.


All BLE Events, ble_evt_t, are encoded with the header ble_evt_hdr_t first, containing only the 'Event ID', followed by the event. The 'Event Length' will not be encoded as the size of the event could be of different sizes depending on decoder architecture.

The BLE GAP event contains a connection handle, and for the BLE GAP Passkey display event, the ble_gap_evt_passkey_display_t is encoded after connection handle as seen in Figure 1.

The order of the encoding is:

Length Parameter Value
2 bytes Connection Handle see ble_gap_evt_t::conn_handle
6 bytes Passkey see ble_gap_evt_passkey_display_t::passkey

Encoding of BLE GAP Passkey display event

Figure 1: Encoding of BLE GAP Passkey Display event.


Event packet encoding

Frame format encoding of the BLE_GAP_EVT_AUTH_KEY_REQUEST packet.


All BLE Events, ble_evt_t, are encoded with the header ble_evt_hdr_t first, containing only the 'Event ID', followed by the event. The 'Event Length' will not be encoded as the size of the event could be of different sizes depending on decoder architecture.

The BLE GAP event contains a connection handle, and for the BLE GAP key request event, the ble_gap_evt_auth_key_request_t is encoded after connection handle as seen in Figure 1.

The order of the encoding is:

Length Parameter Value
2 bytes Connection Handle see ble_gap_evt_t::conn_handle
1 byte Key type see ble_gap_evt_auth_key_request_t::key_type

Encoding of BLE GAP auth key request event

Figure 1: Encoding of BLE GAP auth key request event.


Event packet encoding

Frame format encoding of the BLE_GAP_EVT_AUTH_STATUS packet.


All BLE Events, ble_evt_t, are encoded with the header ble_evt_hdr_t first, containing only the 'Event ID', followed by the event. The 'Event Length' will not be encoded as the size of the event could be of different sizes depending on decoder architecture.

The BLE GAP event contains a connection handle, and for the BLE GAP Authentication Status event, the ble_gap_evt_auth_status_t is encoded after connection handle as seen in Figure 1.

The security mode levels 1 and 2 are both bitfields inside 1 byte as seen in Figure 1. The same goes for The long term authentication and length.

The order of the encoding is:

Length Parameter Value
2 bytes Connection Handle see ble_gap_evt_t::conn_handle
1 byte Authentication Status
1 byte Error Source
1 byte Security Mode levels sm1 and sm2
1 byte Peripheral Key Exchange
1 byte Central Key Exchange
2 bytes Encryption Diversifier
16 bytesLong Term Key
1 byte LTK length and Auth auth - 1bit, len - 7 bits
16 bytesIdentify Resolution Key
1 byte Address Type
6 bytes Address (LSB first)

Encoding of GAP Connection Security Updated event

Figure 1: Encoding of GAP Authentication Status event.


Event packet encoding

Frame format encoding of the BLE_GAP_EVT_CONN_SEC_UPDATE packet.


All BLE Events, ble_evt_t, are encoded with the header ble_evt_hdr_t first, containing only the 'Event ID', followed by the event. The 'Event Length' will not be encoded as the size of the event could be of different sizes depending on decoder architecture.

The BLE GAP event contains a connection handle, and for the BLE GAP Security Info Request event, the ble_gap_evt_conn_sec_update_t is encoded after connection handle as seen in Figure 1.

The security mode and level are both bitfields inside 1 byte as seen in Figure 2.

The order of the encoding is:

Length Parameter Value
2 bytes Connection Handle see ble_gap_evt_t::conn_handle
1 byte Security Mode bitfields:
- Security mode (sm): 4 bits,
- Level (lv): 4 bits
(See Figure 2 for details on encoding)
1 byte Encryption Key Size see ble_gap_conn_sec_t::encr_key_size

Encoding of GAP Connection Security Updated event

Figure 1: Encoding of GAP Connection Security Updated event.

Encoding of Security mode and Level

Figure 2: Encoding of Security mode and Level inside a GAP Connection Security Updated event.


Event packet encoding

Frame format encoding of the BLE_GAP_EVT_TIMEOUT packet.

Event ID = 0x19 for BLE_GAP_EVT_TIMEOUT

All BLE Events, ble_evt_t, are encoded with the header ble_evt_hdr_t first, containing only the 'Event ID', followed by the event. The 'Event Length' will not be encoded as the size of the event could be of different sizes depending on decoder architecture.

The BLE GAP event contains a connection handle, and for the BLE GAP Timeout event, the ble_gap_evt_timeout_t is encoded after connection handle as seen in Figure 1.

The order of the encoding is:

Length Parameter Value
2 bytes Connection Handle see ble_gap_evt_t::conn_handle
1 byte Timeout Source see ble_gap_evt_timeout_t::src

Encoding of BLE GAP Timeout event

Figure 1: Encoding of BLE GAP Timeout event.


Event packet encoding

Frame format encoding of the BLE_GAP_EVT_RSSI_CHANGED packet.


All BLE Events, ble_evt_t, are encoded with the header ble_evt_hdr_t first, containing only the 'Event ID', followed by the event. The 'Event Length' will not be encoded as the size of the event could be of different sizes depending on decoder architecture.

The BLE GAP event contains a connection handle, and for the BLE GAP RSSI Changed event, the ble_gap_evt_rssi_changed_t is encoded after connection handle as seen in Figure 1.

The order of the encoding is:

Length Parameter Value
2 bytes Connection Handle see ble_gap_evt_t::conn_handle
1 byte RSSI see ble_gap_evt_rssi_changed_t::rssi

Encoding of BLE GAP RSSI Changed event

Figure 1: Encoding of BLE GAP RSSI Changed event.